Modeling as a Christ-Follower: Navigating Struggles, Setting Boundaries, and Embracing Sanctification

for those that don’t know
Christ followers do struggle with a lot of things
we are literally dying to our flesh daily
so they had a photoshoot to coach this girl in regards to modeling
and I had this conversation with photographer
about the fact that I’m gonna be coaching her
and he likes to just jump right in and to teach him
and that’s just the way he is
because he becomes very jealous about his job
which is very common obviously
I spoke to him we spoke a month in advance
and I set the boundary beforehand
you guys are gonna get a glimpse us to what we struggle with
rather than us pretending that we are perfect
we’re not perfect and you’re gonna hear it about what I struggled with
that is my job to be a coach and to teach how to model
I ended up doing more than what I should
because I genuinely and truly enjoy what I’m doing
making sure that her makeup and hair is perfect
because that is what a coach does right
so the photographer is coming right in
like very passionately
and I had to remind him like listen
I am coaching her it’s only an hour
I wanna make sure that the girl sees like okay
so she taught me something
I ended up making sure that she has everything
you know pretty much doing more than what I should
which is typically what I do
what I’m trying to say is that
you know sometimes it’s hard because I’m in my flesh
because I had a SAS attitude
because I was passive aggressive
I was frustrated and I don’t know how to handle it
and I did not want to be the type of woman that is having an attitude on set
because what my flesh wanted to do is just walk away
that is what my flesh wanted to do
like you know what
you would take care of this
but that’s just immature I did not behave Christ
like in that moment
I was sassy I was just nodded the photographer try to like
get to know me a little bit better
I get that it is hard to fight your flesh like
like to do the right thing
long story short
is that I serve the girl and the photographer as if it was my shoe
because that is how I wanna be treated
the word of god says to do unto others as you would want to be done to you
and also when you’re working
do unto the Lord and not unto man
well I am striving for this
so I’m reading the word
and god is really teaching me what it is to look more like him
think of sanctification as if your designer is god and the like
the stylist who is dressing you up for this runway show is Christ
that is what I’m going through is when you work as if it’s onto the Lord