Styling a Jungle-Themed Outfit for My Best Friend’s Baby Shower: Thoughts, Concerns, and Nostalgic Shirt Included

My best friend’s baby shower,
and we need to style an outfit.
Jungle themed. The, like,
animals and greens. This little set from cider,
and it has, like,
greens and blue in it. I think the set might be too fancy,
but maybe I could wear one or the other.
That’s what the set looks like.
Colored bodysuit with it. I don’t like this.
I wish this wasn’t too revealing.
I have these little blue heels,
and I could do a blue bag.
I feel like this is a little too revealing for baby shower.
Dang it. I found this shirt,
like, the fifth grade.
Thoughts, comments? Concerns?
So tight. Like,
I’m not kidding. We used.
Me and Paige used to share the shirt back in,
like, fifth grade.
I would need to put on some nipple covers.
Need to go do my lips, my hair.