Mastering Stylish and Hydrating Haircare Techniques: A Journey in Hairdressing

Yeah, so I will finish putting the oil on my spell. Okay, I put some oil on my hands. Okay, and I did a massage with the wheel. And then I put my fingers in her scalp and massage. Oh, so she has lots of product in her hair. So her hair is nice and healthy and moisture and use it to hydrate the rest of her hair and seal me, well, seal the moisture. Can you feel her hair is fine? Most even most of, yeah, most soft. Okay, now we’re gonna make a part in the center of her hair. Yeah, for so I take the small part of the front part and bring it like this slowly. You can do a little bit out of time. So yeah, sorry, hand forward. Like I would just for now is this is not perfect, but I will just separate so I can focus on this side.

Okay. Oh, okay. Sorry. We go from the bottom towards, yeah, the roots of the hair. It’s okay if there’s, it’s important that you comb my hair because if you don’t and always just use hands, sometimes it can become mass it. Yeah, and it will be really difficult to work with LA later. I just apply a little bit on my palm and then on the sides of my head like this. You don’t have to put in all the hair and then take your hair tight. Okay. And, and okay, okay, okay. Okay. Tie like this. I think three time is enough. We will make it into a puff. So what you can do is you can take a little hair like this. Okay, twist. I just twist it. Twist loosely. And then we could wrap like this. And we could use the hair type or pin. Don’t make boil. And that’s one side. Okay. One side is okay. Next slide. Okay.

Oh my God. So, okay, Rihanna, I’m braving the front of the head so quickly now. Oh, okay. Until Rihanna is working hard today. Okay, got it. Quick. But I think the front is just a little bit extra detail, but it’s cute. She’s focused. Oh, okay. Next slide.

Actually, I learn how, yes, my mom did my hair until I was 15, actually, quite a long time. And then after this, I started doing so many different hairstyles by myself. I Learned, I think, doing like black hair and or mix hair or just curly hair is kind of like a journey. And even now I’m still learning new techniques. What about the hair trendy chains, the head trend now is very like Y2K. It’s kind of popular. So I was following some tutorials online how to do some hairstyles like this using the headpin like, you know, like Korean people. So I mean, I love it. So I also think it’s pretty. So I had to learn how can I do it on my hair type too early at the bottom. Bless you, Kintana. Oh, no. Okay.

no, i think bommy will not allow me to do the rest, but okay this is kinda another code whisper ah okay oh 救命的,我们也不得不免于他未来 3 个朋友在。