Disney Trip Prep & Emotional Updates: Get Ready With Me Vlog

Get ready with me to go to Disney.
Not sure if it’s not that obvious,
but I got the earrings, the necklace,
the shirt. I mean,
the ears are gonna come on right now.
Not that we won’t be able to go to Disney when Julie starts school, but.
But technically, this is gonna be, like,
her last exciting trip, I guess,
before she starts school. And also,
let’s be so for real. I need this trip, too,
because I just know I’m gonna be an emotional wreck.
Actually, I’ve been an emotional wreck.
If you guys follow me on Instagram,
then you guys know that Julie has been having the hardest time
just accepting the fact that she’s gonna be going to school.
It’s so weird for me, because before,
she used to be so excited about it.
Like, she literally used to beg me
because she would hear that her friends would go,
go to school. Now I don’t know if it’s just, like,
it’s sinking in, like,
holy shit, it’s actually gonna happen.
That she’s now scared. But, yeah,
she’s been having the hardest time adjusting.
A lot of moms were telling me to just go with my gut
and see if I wanted to hold her back or not.
Truth is, I just feel like she’s definitely ready.
Like, she’s been ready.
I’m hoping that everybody’s right,
and it’s just the first week that’s the hardest,
because. Heart is going to break.
Deep down, I know She’ll be okay.
Because even with cheer, as you guys remember,
she was also having a hard time there.
And when I would leave her and then I would come back for her,
she was the happiest.
I just know that she’s gonna really thrive off of this,
and her social skills are just gonna go to another.
The other reason I’m so excited to go to Disney’s,
because we got dine today. Reservations.
Let me say, I’m just super excited.
And I know what you guys are thinking.
Jasmine, what about your meal plan?
Listen, it’s so hard to get reservations here.
Literally booked this over a month ago,
and I completely forgot about it.
Once I looked at my calendar,
I was like, oh,
that’s right, I did book it.
And hell no, I’m not gonna cancel it.
Instead, what I’m gonna do is I’m going to fit it into my macros,
and that is key. Besides,
if. Even if it’s a cheat meal.
One cheat meal is not gonna ruin your entire progress, guys.
But don’t be doing it often.
Never tried it. And you’ve been thinking about going?
Absolutely. Recommend it for dinner.
Best believe I have my meal prep.
You might not believe me, but I woke up at 6:00am today to work out.
Like, who the fuck am I?
This is how you know she’s back.
And by she, I mean fit birdie.
Okay, every single time that I’ve been very dedicated to my Fitness.
By the time I’m starting to see,
like, a transformation,
I’ve gotten pregnant. You guys have followed me in the past,
like, even way before I was pregnant.
Like, then you guys know that I was very,
very dedicated and. And then I got pregnant with Julie,
the same thing again happened.
I gave birth and I was super dedicated,
very in my zone. And then I got pregnant with Kai.
After Kai, I ended up getting sick because I had,
like, my whole thyroid issues and everything went.
I had to restart again and as you guys know,
I went through my whole skin and this reduction,
so that again, it took another toll on me.
But best believe I am fully back.
I’m so committed. I’ve.
I just feel the excitement of working out now.
So now I just wake up and I’m so ready for it
and I’m, like, excited.
I have no idea how long I’ve been wanting this
because I was ready for a change.
Like, I just wanted to get in my zone again
and I finally found it. I just realised that I didn’t bring any lashes.
It’s fine, because I’m gonna be putting on some sunglasses.
Stop for some gas. I’m like,
let me fill in the brows no more.
Ha, ha.
Just wanna say thank you so much
to every single person that has sent in your prayers for my grandma.
Honestly, truly,
truly, truly.
From the bottom of my Heart,
appreciate it. Because for a second,
not gonna lie, I was so,
so scared and terrified.
We didn’t know exactly what was wrong with her at first.
It turns out that she had a stomach infection.
As of that stomach infection,
it just started making everything worse.
It’s just one thing after another.
Still not 100% okay, but at least she’s now getting treated,
starting to feel better. Obviously
she has improved so much since we took her to the hospital.
I gotta say, it was definitely a very scary experience.
And I felt more bad because Jean Lee would not stop crying every time.
I always thought that Kai was my emotional baby,
but no, it is definitely Jay.
But I just give thanks to god,
cuz I do now finally have her back home.
And like I mentioned, like,
she’s getting already treated.
So excited because I thought I had lost my Kim K W. Stick.
This is my absolute favourite.
It kind of find out it was in my last Disney bag that I took
and I was like, oh my god,
it’s just so perfect. And you guys know I love my lawless lip gloss,
but this one from milk, oh my god.
Let me show you guys. It is so,
so pretty. A little bit of shimmer,
but it’s not like crazy.
I also have the other one which is called wonder. Both. Ooh,
so pretty. But this one has a little bit of Shimmer,
the one I just put on here is bouncy.
I have my earring from Tokyo Disney,
so these are the ones I’m gonna wear.
And perfect with my pink little accents ways.
This is the final makeup look.
This is the sunnies I’m gonna be wearing.
So, yeah,
this is the final makeup look.
But thank you guys for getting ready with me,
and I’ll see you guys on the next one. Bye.