The Forge: A Beautiful and Convicting Story of Discipleship and Faith

Guys, getting out of watching the forge,
it was honestly,
it was beautiful. It was a little convicting because it.
It almost makes you think about,
um, just discipleship and.
And prayer and. And who’s your one.
Who’s the one that you. You’re molding,
you know, to look like you and.
And to look like the Lord.
And so it’s just beautiful.
It’s a. And,
you know, Christian movies sometimes have this, like,
bad rep of not being, like,
you know, too cool,
you know? But this, man,
they did an excellent job.
Shout out to the entire cast.
Shout out to Sony. Just.
Just a beautiful, beautiful film.
Um, powerful, powerful.
So if you’re a Christian, if you’re a pastor,
if you’re a leader at a church,
or even. Even just a believer who is maybe new or old,
this is a movie that you can watch with your family by yourself.
You can, man.
You can actually bring somebody, like,
what’s up, bro?
What you doing? Let’s go to the movies.
Where it turns out to be a wonderful Christian movie that
it just melts the heart. It melts the heart.
So great job, guys.
Mmm. Beautiful,
beautiful recommendation. 10 out of ten.