Unleashing Your Potential: The Power of Mentality in Health and Fitness

Alright, so week two,
talking about health and fitness.
Today I’m talking about something I think that’s the most important,
and that is your mentality.
So I’ll start off with this.
Imagine that you are in a movie,
and that movie starts right now,
and you are the hero of that movie.
What are you gonna do?
You’re gonna keep doing exactly what you’re doing right now.
You’re gonna completely change your ways.
I believe in having a no excuse attitude.
You have to be obsessed.
And I just finally reached a point
where I was in such a victim mentality
and I let so many things go
and I just reached a point where I said enough is enough,
you know, and changing your mentality,
this can apply to your health and fitness
or can apply to anything else in your life.
If you want to achieve something,
you have to be obsessed. It has to consume you.
You have to want it more than you want to breathe air.
No one’s coming to save you.
Like I said in the last video,
no one’s gonna come tap you on the head at 5 o’clock in the morning.
Get up, you gotta go to work,
get up, you gotta go to the gym,
oh, here’s the food you need to eat and spoon feed you.
Like, you’ve got to figure it out yourself.
And you have to be just absolutely obsessed
and determined to achieve what you want.
And The only person you’re going against is yourself.
It’s between you and you.
Whether you’re at work or running or in the gym,
like you’re in a battle with your worst self.
You’ve got to be better than you were yesterday.
And I think taking care of Haley for so long,
I was making a lot of excuses.
I was allowing my circumstances to get me down.
You know, circumstances reveal to the man who he is.
It doesn’t make the man.
So I finally let them reveal to.
To me what I needed to change about myself.
And I think more people should look in the mirror and say,
how can I be a better father,
mother, friend,
son, daughter, and.
And improve your life? And so I’m a firm believer and.
And believing in yourself
and knowing that you have the power to change your future.
And you have to have a mentality that,
I’m not going to let anything stop me from achieving this goal.
Become obsessed. When your friends start teasing you
because you’re so obsessed
with this one thing you’re trying to achieve,
you have arrived. You are doing what you need to be doing,
because to them, it doesn’t make any sense.
They. They make fun of you because they don’t understand that mentality.
Don’t be mad when you’re laying in the hospital later in your life,
sick because you didn’t have the courage to act
and do what you needed to do
for Your own health.
I guarantee if you do nothing and you end up sick in the hospital,
you’re gonna lay there and say,
why didn’t I just change?
I wasted all that time when I could have been bettering myself
and bettering those around me.
So I challenge you to be committed,
to have no excuses. To believe in yourself
and decide that today, enough is enough.
There’s no reason to wait till tomorrow.
Start today.
Get it done. Figure it out.
I think one of the. The most powerful lines I can close with
that I’m gonna probably say pretty often is,
don’t quit. You can never quit.
You can’t give up. You gotta keep pushing forward.
There’s too much life to live.
And you gotta believe in what you want
and that you can achieve these goals that you have set for yourself.