Interview with a Self-Made Millionaire: Insights on Success, Psychology, and Overcoming Financial Struggles

Excuse me, sir.
Sir, question for you. What?
Have you ever been broke before? Huh?
Have you ever been broke before?
What’s your name? James.
What are you guys. I started a channel.
I grew it to 7 million followers in Austin, Texas.
Okay. I’m totally rich.
Yeah, relax.
So, real quick question for you.
Like what? What line of business were you in?
Money laundering, actually, though.
But what? I wanna get into it.
Okay, one question.
Yeah, that’s it.
In 60 seconds. Yes.
Somebody wants to become financially free in today’s world,
give them the blueprint. What does it take to become successful
like yourself in the business world? Psychology.
Understand human nature and don’t push people.
But when it comes to sales, though.
How do you leverage psychology in sales? Huh?
How do you leverage psychology in sales?
I’m just really fucking smart.
Are you old money or new money?
I did it myself. Could I walk with you real quick?
In your opinion,
what was the hardest skill for you to master in the business world?
Waking up. What do you mean by that?
I don’t like to wake up in the morning.
In terms of delegation,
how important was it for you to learn how to master delegation?
Building teams and bringing the right people in.
It’s impossible. I do everything myself.
So you’re a solo? 50 people,
but I still have to do everything.
What was the best financial advice you ever got from a Mentor,
take the money. Don’t keep putting it back in.
But what if you have a bad month in business?
I couldn’t ever figure that out.
And I haven’t had a bad month ever since
I put jewel cigarettes on the market
and started doing 150 million a year.
You do 150 million a year?
How did 70. I work with Tyson Future.
How did you scale from an eight to a nine figure company?
When opportunity meets preparation,
you have luck. What’s more important,
product or distribution? Warren Buffett once said,
distribution is the key to everything.
Did you have to borrow money from bankers?
How did you get the money to.
I did it myself. Now I borrow money from banks.
They’re begging to give me money.
Were you close to bankruptcy at any point in time?
Twice. How’d you break that and overcome that?
I started over again. A chunk of a car at 40. Incredible.
Thank you for your time, sir. I really appreciate that.