The Lost Consciousness of the Atlanteans: A Journey of Evolution and Tragedy

Certain clarity of consciousness that was lost by the tornacy. Some of their race began to digress. They began to lose touch with, they had a consciousness that felt total at one minute with god. And it was a state of love and joy and beauty that’s very hard to describe.

When they got involved with some of the other extraterrestrial groups that did not have that high of a gene code, it reduced their own, and it also reduced their ability to identify that strongly with the god presence, with the harmonious operations of the universe. So some of them evolved into a species called the Atlanteans. Not the Atlanteans, but Atlanteans. There’s only one t in that name. That was where our re original race memories of Atlantis actually came from. It came from harmonic too, in Atlanta. They begin to have problems with what we would turn here ego. They begin to see themselves as very powerful and they begin to see power as something not to be used just in love and in service to the universe, but it’s something that they could collect and use against other beings.

There was a large group of them in power in the Atlantic and civilization. There was a group of them called the Templar Solar Initiates, who are appointed as the Guardian keepers of certain of the energy dynamics of planet Terra. It was a very sacred position and it was given to them by something called the Syrian Count Council from the planetary star systems of Cirrus. They had given them because the ones from Siris were part of the parentage of the turinasium race, and they had entrusted their children with this very sacred job. Well, the Templar Solar initiates goofed up big time, to put it mildly. Are Atlanta in memories, which we all have at some level deep down in our gene code, are the memories of what the tournisium did to Terra in their abusive power. And what they did was they used certain crystalline technologies, which are Kelantic technologies, as was discussed in some of the other classes that I gave. They used them in a way that caused implosions and then explosions within the energetic grid of Planet Terror, part of Planet Terror, not the whole thing, but part of it, broke off its energetic form, dismantled instead of being together. When a planet or a being begins to dismantle itself energetically, that is the opposite of evolution. It is the evolution that is moving back, works and digressing into something less than what it was rather than evolving into something that it was supposed to become, for the tournamitium race from the Second Harmonic universe begin to digress and abuse power. And how because of that abusive power that the planet Tera underwent a tragedy where a part of its substance was literally blown apart.

Now, where did that substance go? It left the second harmonic universe. It dismantled itself in energy terms, and it fell in speed. Its particles began to fall slower. It ended up in the first harmonic universe.

The fragments of Terra became our solar system, and there are 12 planets, one of them included a long time ago, was called MALDAC. And we have an asteroid belt now, I believe, where that once was. There’s another planet that hasn’t been discovered yet. It’s called Niberu, and it’s considered basically the 12th planet. And the sun is also considered a planet. So when the fragment came off of Terra from the second harmonic universe, it came into the first harmonic universe, and it created our Big Bang. The numbers are a bit off as far as where our scientists think the Big Bang occurred. It did occur, but not exactly for the reasons they think. And the planet existed before that Big Bang occurred. But what we are calling our solar system in the planets here, we’re actually part of planet Tera from the second harmonic universe. So our universe came into being this way, our solar system came into being this way. Not our galaxy, just our solar system. The souls of the people who were on that portion of tariff when it exploded and disintegrated, they were killed. But when their bodies are killed, where does their consciousness go? Because they were part of an explosion there. The energy structures, what we call particle grids of their bodies and of their consciousness, were also ripped apart. They dropped in vibration. They also ended up down here in the first harmonic universe. And if it were not for what was attempted and succeeded after that occurrence, those souls would have become part of what’s called a unified field of energy within dimensions 1,2 and 3. They would become the firmament in the substance that other species would evolve with and through, rather than retaining a sentient identity of their own, they would lose all complete orientation of consciousness as a tourism, and they would start their evolutionary process from a lower level than they originally started it in the first place because our, the evolutionary strain of the turnism did not start down here. It started in the second harmonic universe. They were thrown all the way back down to the first, and they would have had to start basically as subatomic particles that make up, you know, basic matter substance here.