Title: The Changing Tides: A Reflection on RFK Jr. and Voter Perspectives

I did a little bit of research.
I do know one person,
one. One young Latino man that loved RFK Jr.
Like, loves and loves and loves.
And I asked, I was like,
how does this change your vote?
This is someone that has always voted for Democrats until this point.
And he said. He texted me back and he said,
he’s a clown. No,
he’s a narcissist.
And so I think what initially attracted a lot of people to him,
right, which was this idea that he was an independent,
that he was questioning the system,
which is a lot of young Latinos were feeling right this way
in an important battle. Battle Ground states.
And that charm of being this outsider is suddenly gone.
And so I think what you’re gonna start to see is a lot of these
particularly democratic leaning independents,
they will go back home. Yeah. No,
this is pushing them back home.
And so how much does he move the needle?
I actually don’t think I mean it.