Thank You Speech and Dragon Mishaps: An Unexpected Turn of Events

Thank you. Thank you.
Oh, my gosh,
thank you. Thank you so much.
Oh, wow.
Thank you. You’re such a gentleman. Are you single?
I know. Can you believe it?
The crutches come off and the flirting comes out.
Oh, my God.
Hi. Hi.
Thank you, you guys.
Oh, stop it,
stop it. Oh,
my gosh. Thank you.
Thank you so much. I am.
I’m doing okay. Thank you.
Hi. Hi. Hello.
Sorry, I was just saying hi to everyone else. Save the best for last.
Yes, something has changed.
I do have my crutches with me.
Um, I’m calling them Lilo and stitch,
cause they’re just, you know,
they’re cute and they’re helping me right now.
Um, they’re not the most glamorous of things,
I don’t know if you can tell that.
But luckily I’m in this gorgeous outfit, um,
from Christian Dior, so,
you know, I get to glamorize them a little bit.
Yeah. How did.
How did it happen? Oh, God.
Um, you don’t wanna know about this.
This is. It’s like a boring story.
I don’t know. Um,
I was on set filming for. Can I.
Can I say it’s hard? I just have to check that.
I could tell you what I’m filming.
I’m on set filming for Season 2.
Thank you. Thank you.
Um, and as you know,
we have quite a few high action sequences.
And I was actually falling off a dragon,
which is the craziest thing ever.
You should have seen The faces in the hospital when I went in and said,
oh, I’ve fallen off a dragon,
you know, they were kind of like,
well, do we need to show you to a different type of ward?
Um, but no.
Yeah. I was, um,
shooting this quite difficult scene where I fell.
It was a lot of, like,
action and choreography, and I had nailed it all.
What I hadn’t nailed
was the part where I missed the one step of the choreography
and landed to the floor in not the best of angles,
resulting in not the greatest of forces.
Uh, going down on my ankle and foot,
pushing it into.
This is crazy. Pushing it into,
like, a bit of drywall,
and the drywall sliced my foot open.
Yeah. So, um,
dragon riding is not really for the safe.
It’s not.
Dragon riding actually comes with quite a few difficulties. And,
you know, I mean,
I do my own stunts.
Joking. I fully don’t.
I just didn’t think that I needed a stunt person for.
For this moment, and it turns out that I really could have used one, uh,
because that has happened now.
But we’re all fine. We’re pushing through.
We’ve taken a few days off from filming.
I’m getting to spend some lovely time with my publicist
who’s over there, and, yeah,
I’m here with all of you guys,
which isn’t that the best thing to do anyways?
I mean, this is just.
This is The highlight of my year,
let alone the highlight of my week.