May Reading Wrap Up: A Dive into a Diverse Collection of Books

It’s almost July, you guys. And we’re literally almost of a June and I still have to do my may reading wrap up. I honestly freaked out because I read so many books in the month of may, the most I’ve ever read in a month span. And I normally do like a super fun dance Mom cell pyramid revealing my least favorite to my most favorite of the month. And I think there’s somewhere like 17 or something books that I read in may. And I panicked. And so instead of just figuring something else out, I just didn’t do anything at all. The people wanna know my thoughts, so I’m gonna do a simple yes, no, maybe a tiny explanation so that you can understand my reasoning. Obviously, we all have different tastes in books and we all like different things. So if this is not your yum, don’t yet it. Okay, don’t yak. Anyone else is yum? And if this is yours, and I’m like, then actually, you know what, I’m really easy to please. So most of the time I’m here for the vibes and I usually like it. So there probably won’t be much of that. But let’s get into it.

I finally got to the serpents and the wings of night. I only read book 1. And you guys, I ate this up. I will say. It took me a minute to get into it, which normally I had such high expectations. So it’s kind of like, eh, where is this going? Aided up? Haven’t read the other two yet, but hundred percent, yes. Vampires, Hunger Games, think games, backstab, all the things. Yes. And I read The Perfect Fit by Sadie Kincade. This is recommended to me.

And this gave me Dena Viper vibes, except for imagine that the men that live together also kind of like each other. It was fun. It wasn’t as dangerous, skin of vipers, but it was good and I really enjoyed it. Good palette cleanser for a good little dark romance.

Then, oh my gosh, I had to get in my staple arc for the month because I just can’t stop applying to them. And Liza Lina did not disappoint you guys. This is a dark romance to see. This will be a series. I ate this up in 2 days. It has mages, it has a dark MMC, it has a little bit of like more like a love triangle, but like more than three people. It was giving me everything I need.

Book to ASAP. A little stranger I’m gonna say maybe I like a lot of dark romance. Nothing puts me off. But honestly, this MMC is one of the most unhinged I’ve ever read.

And I have read The Center by Chantelle test here. So I did enjoy it. It is shorter. It’s a fast rate if you’re just wanting something quick. It’s on the deep end though. So maybe in may we read Wild Love for my book club. I did really enjoy this.

Elsie Silver never misses. She’s one of my new favorite authors. Absolutely obsessed, I will say, after reading the first 3 books of Chestnut spring series, this felt a little bit flat compared to those. It was still really good. It had a different twist to what you would imagine a single dad trope was, which was kind of cool. I really did like it. I just love Kate and Willow more.

So, yes, I finally started the series that has been on my TBR forever, and that is king of wrath. I gave this 4 stars. I think. Yes, it’s fun. It was a little bit slower than what I’m used to, but I did really enjoy it. So if you’re wanting to kind of step into the world of like dark romance and you like it in between, oh my gosh, my dog is so upset at me because I left him downstairs. And he is absolutely throwing the biggest temper tantrum right now. If you can hear him. I am sorry. It was good. It wasn’t my favorite. I do recommend it, though.

Candy Steiner is moving up on the top of my ranks of an author. That literally makes me obsessed with the characters. And so I listen to the audiobook, Fair Catch, fell in love with it. Absolutely.

Yes. If you want a sports romance, brother’s best friend, but she hates him and she also plays football on his team. So she’s kind of a baddie. She’s the kicker.

College romance, super fun. I got the rough writer from a used book sale at my local library recently. I will say maybe accidental pregnancy trope. And then there is an age gap. It wasn’t third person, which I don’t read much, and I think that threw me off a little bit. But by the end, I was loving it. It is a good little cute small town romance.

These next two, I have a full view on my page, so check it out. Twilight of embers and midnight of ashes. These are white shoes, dragon shifter romances. They were so fun. A million yeses. Check them out. Book 3 comes out in July. I also had another arc that I read, Vicious Secrets. This was a dark romance. A million times. Yes. If you love the Lord series, this has a secret society.

College romance gave me very similar vibes. It was fun and it was fast. Continuing on my just new obsession with Candy Steiner, I actually listen to this one first before Fair Catch. And this is a love letter to whiskey.

This was recommended to me by Kirsten and she basically said, I apologize in advance and I’m absolutely telling you that you need to listen to the audio, specifically the 5th anniversary audio. It was so good.

I’ve never been through more emotional roller coaster in my life. Like my heart was literally breaking at points. It is an insane love story. Beautiful, tragic, sad, all the above a million times.

Yes. And then wrapping it together, I absolutely tag tackled a series that I’ve been wanting to read forever. They’re very short. That is the Never King, the Dark One, their fishes, darlings and the fate princes.

This is Peter Pan retelling Mark romance. A little bit of fantasy, too. It was definitely a fun twist on Peter Pan retelling. I haven’t really read many retailings. I would say maybe I was really entranced the first couple books. It started kind of tapering off a little bit for me. If you’re just wanting something that’s just like fun and silly and spicy, like a lot of spice, it’s really short. Just to kind of get.

You had like a reading slump then I would say. Yes. That is all the books that I read in may. If you want any in depth reviews on any of these books, I honestly have been slacking on my reviews lately. Let me know and I will get them out for you.

I really would love to do one for Love Letter Whiskey. I just don’t know if I can tackle that yet. But hopefully I can get better at by reading wrap UPS for the month and we’ll see if I can get to it in June since we’re almost there as well. Happy reading.