Cracking the Code: How to Get a Guy to Take You Seriously and Find the Man of Your Dreams

Do you ever have that one friend
that you found was always going on dates with guys,
and you’re like, what the heck?
How? I can’t even get a guy to text me back?
Well, I am that friend.
So I wanna show you my secret on how to get a guy to, like,
really take you seriously and find the man of your dreams.
The start. And this is so important.
It seems small and mundane,
but it makes a big difference.
You are only gonna give them your number
if they ask you for your Snapchat.
One, I either wouldn’t entertain it,
or two, I’d be like,
sorry, I don’t get my Snapchat out,
but here’s my number.
That right there tells you a lot about their intentions.
And for me,
that was an easy way to kind of weed out the bad ones right away.
The next thing you’re gonna do.
And I feel like a lot of people have it so wrong,
but you’re not gonna play toxic.
I feel like a lot of girls would end up being like,
oh, my god,
I like him a lot, but I don’t want him to know.
So I’m gonna, like,
play hard to get. And I’m like,
don’t play games. Don’t play hard to get.
Just be hard to get. And the third one took me a minute to learn,
but it’s actually how I land my current boyfriend.
And it’s just to be yourself so much Easier said than done,
but I feel like when I get the most nervous to go on dates,
they be the worst or I just feel like I couldn’t actually be myself
because I was so nervous. And with the mindset,
what if I don’t like them?
Like, don’t.
Don’t go with the mindset of, like,
you’re trying to appease them,
because they pick up on that kind of energy.
Just walk in confident, who you are, happy,
pleasant, and also, like,
at the end of the day, what’s the worst that can happen?