Knockout Labs: A Story of 7 Times and Care for the Knocked Out

So how many times have we had a knockout at Knockout Labs?
Well, I will judge this
based on the times that people have lost their senses,
either by getting too drunk,
uh, too broccoli’d up,
or any other way. And despite what you may think,
this only happens 7 times.
We used to have a Polaroid camera
where we would take photos of you
if you got too messed up at Knockout Labs.
And we had a knockout wall.
But when we moved to the new shop,
we got rid of the knockout wall.
Typical reason why someone is getting knocked out
and knock out Labs is if they don’t use the broccoli
and then they drink a lot and use some broccoli,
you’re getting knocked out.
You really won’t be having a good time.
Just the other day
we had to call an ambulance for a fella who went grey.
We put him in the recovery position,
but about 10 seconds later he was absolutely fine.
We cancelled the ambulance
cause his friend said he didn’t want the Bill
and he came back the next day.
Very sorry, but feeling a. Okay.
So seven in a year and a quarter of business is not too much.
But we do take care of you at Knockout Labs.
If you do have a bit too much,
we look after you. We give you the Thai sniffy thing
and we give you some cold water and a Coca Cola to sort you Out!
God bless