Automated Driving: The Future of Transportation

Look, no hands
and no driver, for that matter.
Scientists assure us that it’s the shape of things to come.
In highway travel, it’s all done by computerized electronic impulses
relayed to the car
through a special receiving unit fixed to the front.
Signals picked up from the inlaid track
are interpreted by the unit to change the car’s course or its speed.
Rather similar to the automatic pilot system used in aircraft.
Sometime in the future, they say,
every vehicle on the main road network
could be taken by remote control
all the way to its destination.
It may seem a bit of a pipe dream at the moment,
but researchers say that robot cars may well be in everyday use
within 30 years. We’re behind, Buddy.
Just so you know, 30 years will be 2,001.
We’ve been screwing up with technology.
We already have them, but it’s not every car today, right?
So that’s 53 years and we’re still not there.
Like right now, today,
every Uber should be there without anybody being there. Pretty wild.