Making a Lasting Impression: A Guide for High School Baseball Players at Showcases

If you’re a varsity high school baseball player,
attending a showcase isn’t just about performing well.
In this video, I’m gonna discuss on how to make a lasting impact
to these college coaches. And before we get started,
my name is Evan Mendoza,
and I’m quite literally that baseball guy on Instagram on YouTube
that talks mentality development
and even recruiting. If you want to land a college scholarship,
want to learn pro level mindset,
or you simply want to learn how to work out in the gym,
make sure to check out my profile and I’ll show you how to do it.
So when attending the showcases,
it’s really important to make lasting impressions
with these college coaches and recruiters
by developing a good relationship with them.
You guys don’t know this. The confidence to walk up to a college coach
that you’re actually interested in
attending their university and saying, hi. Confidence and that.