LA Foodie Adventure: Smoothies, Expensive Eats, and Honest Reviews

Just landed in LA. I’m in a beautiful Hummer EV.
Our first stop is to Erewhon.
It’s 1:30 on a Saturday,
so it’s fucking packed and there’s a line for the smoothies.
This is Rachel. Hi guys.
She’s gonna suggest a smoothie.
She’s a fellow baddie and it’s gonna be the most basic one.
Oh, I mean,
I guess I should feel like the purpose of it, right?
Sabrina Carpenter just came out with her album.
So we’re gonna try the short and sweet.
May I please have the Hailey Bieber smoothie?
Elle’s got it.
Haha. 37 doll hairs.
So this is what I’m getting.
Taste test.
Okay. I gotta say it’s delicious.
I would honestly rate it. I think I would rate it a 9 out of 10. Cheers.
It is really good so far. I will say the people here are so nice.
I forget what it’s like to be on the West Coast
and people not cuss you out everywhere you go.
We’re gonna. We’re.
Let’s laugh while we’re.
Stunning work.
Stunning. Stunning work.
Stunning. I think if I made beef and broccoli here,
it probably be $1,000. I look at all the soups.
This Mason jar of soup is sixteen dollars and fifty cents.
Candy pecans for $12. This container of Kiwi
7 93. This container of grapes is $12.
Alright, we’re gonna order some food now.
Look at all those chicken going.
Teriyaki chicken. I’m overwhelmed and over stimulated.
I’ll do the broccolini and What else do I get?
Japanese sweet potato. I’ll.
I’ll do the sweet potato fries.
Thank you. That’s all. 22, 42,
29, 28.
Why is yours so expensive?
Breaking total guys,
I hear my. My choices make no sense.
Look at these knives. Yeah,
this makes no sense, but I panicked under pressure.
Gonna go for said sweet potato fry first.
First bite, bestie.
It is surprisingly crispy.
Almost like a tempura.
I wish I got sauce though.
No, that TikTok always does that.
TikTok just deleted everything that I just reported.
Teriyaki chicken.
Flavor of this. It’s not dry.
It could be a little bit more moist.
The skin I don’t like though.
It’s like not crispy and it’s kind of just chewy.
But because of the flavor,
I would give it an 8 out of 10.
This is Elle’s Korean short rib that he was raving about.
This is getting a strong 6 out of 10.
Shame on you. Shame on him for misleading me.
He was like it tastes like the real thing.
You even have to say that? Why?
Why wouldn’t it taste like the real thing?
This is not Korean barbecue.
This is shame on them and the broccolini.
I said I thought you just couldn’t go wrong with it,
but I guess you can because it’s pretty bland.
And bland the worst combo.
This also gets a strong 6 out of 10 overall.
Err on experience. Love the smoothie.
Unfortunately, even though it’s So expensive.
Love the people, 10 out of 10.
The food though, I could pass on.