Dreaming of Offensiveness: A Call to Reject Political Correctness and Embrace Decency

Honestly, the words politically correct,
biggest red flag. Literally
nobody is asking you to be politically correct.
There are people who are expecting you to give everyone basic human
common decency and respect.
You know, I have a dream about a day when people stop being such wusses.
I’ve got a dream about a day when women stop having wangs
and men stop using tampons and identifying as muffins.
I have a dream about a day when anyone who supports Joe and Kamala
just superglues their mouth closed
and finally shuts the fuck up.
And perhaps most importantly,
I have a dream of making my news song,
Everybody Needs Me,
the most politically incorrect and offensive song to ever go No. 1.
And that day could be now,
my friends. So come on,
join me. Download my new song on iTunes today.
Let’s make it the most offensive song to ever get a No. 1 on Billboard.
Because just everything woke, right?
I think the world’s gone brain dead.
Since when did everybody identifies they, them?