Pretending to be Okay: The Exhausting Reality of Living with ADHD

The hardest part about having ADHD
is pretending that you’re fucking okay when you’re not okay
i get so overstimulated when I go out
and I keep saying to myself
why can’t you just have fun
why can’t I just have fun
why can’t I just be the fun mom
why can’t I just go to the fair
why can’t I just
but the sounds and the smells
the people it is so overwhelming
and I have to pretend that I’m okay
I gotta keep it all together
because people don’t understand
it is so exhausting pretending that you are okay
it is so exhausting
having to remove yourself
to go to the bathroom or go to your car
to self regulate
cause if you don’t
and people make comments saying
oh you’re so quirky
I’m not fucking quirky
I don’t want this
I wanna be able to go
and enjoy my life and most of the time I’m not enjoying
most of the time I’m just pretending that I’m okay
and it’s so exhausting
I just wish the people knew that
we’re trying really fucking hard