Navigating Celebrity Lookalike Stalker Fan Experiences: A Personal Account

I wanna talk about the controversy going around Chappell’s posts.
As somebody who looks a lot like her,
who also lives in Los Angeles,
I’ve had a few stalker fan experiences of my own,
which I will be sharing in a second.
I’m just hoping by making this video,
it can open a lot of your guys’s minds and eyes
as to why she’s setting this boundary so thick.
Before I get any comments saying I’m trying to be like her,
I’m not. I look like her.
I have these experiences with the fans.
When I have straight hair,
when I have sunglasses, all the above,
I still look like her. We are the same height,
and we do have the same fat ass story.
One target. This was in Pasadena, too.
So, you know,
I was in the makeup department looking at the sunscreens, um,
by myself, and this girl comes up to me and she’s like,
I love your jeans. And I was like,
oh, thank you.
And in my brain, I’m like,
these fucking jeans? Really? Eww.
She was very nice, but she was just standing there like this,
and I was like.
Anyways, she looks at my hand and grabs it.
Grabs my hand. Like,
to reenact it, I’m holding the product in this hand,
and this hand’s, like, dangling.
And she grabs it, and she’s like,
are those tattoos? And me being a nervous Nelly,
I’m like, holy fuck,
I’m about to get Sex traffic.
Because she was standing there,
and she was looking past me through the aisle, like,
kept looking like this. And I was like,
what the fuck is she looking at?
A man or something that’s gonna take me and kidnap me?
So she’s holding my hand, looking at my tattoo.
I don’t know why I didn’t rip my hand away.
And she was like, where did you get these done?
I was like, I did them myself.
They’re stick and poke. And that’s when I turned the sass,
and I’m like, I did them myself.
I’m not like that. Like,
I’m very nice to people in public,
but I was honestly scared I was gonna get sex traffic.
So I was just like, I did them myself.
And then she pointed out my dragonfly,
and she’s like, oh,
my god. And that one’s so beautiful, too.
I just kept going through my little line of tattoos,
so I was like, thank you so much.
That’s so nice. Like,
thank you.
And then I just turned back around and kept looking at the sunscreens,
and she was still fucking standing there.
Standing there, looking at me,
and then looking at whatever she was looking at past the aisle.
So I finally turned my head,
and I see a group of girls,
and I was like, uh,
I know what’s about to happen.
It’s really not that intense from here,
but I’ll explain why. I’m telling the story in a Second,
she eventually asked me if I was chapel,
and I was like, no,
I’m not, but thank you so much.
We giggled, we laughed it off. Um.
And then she was like, I love her so much.
Like, I know sometimes she has to disguise herself for fans,
but, like,
I just love her. I think she’s amazing,
beautiful. All these little things, right?
And I’m standing there like,
oh, my god, that’s.
Yeah, me too.
Like, same.
I love her. She’s great.
Great talent. And she still wouldn’t leave.
So I just looked at her, I’m like, look,
I’m not chapel, but thank you.
Like, I do get that a lot,
so it’s not something shocking for me,
but thank you. And eventually she’s scared off with her friends.
Like, she’s like,
I’m so sorry, blah, blah, blah.
And then I could tell they were following us kind of around the store,
cause my mom was like, who are those girls?
Who are those girls?
And I could just tell I was being watched a little bit.
We ended up leaving, but I just want to say that here are my points.
She touched me randomly, grab my hand without me saying anything,
consent, nothing.
She stood there. This interaction was like,
the longest. It was five.
It was like five minutes.
But that’s too long for an interaction with somebody,
I don’t know. So she touched me,
she stood there, and her.
All her friends were watching.
So something was, you know,
it wasn’t, like,
a little, oh,
I like your jeans. Have a good day.
It was like. And I’m gonna try to figure out if this is chapel.
I left feeling disturbed. I thought about it for a few days.
I was like, that was weird.
I didn’t get good vibes from that girl, either.
Like, it was just unsettling and weird.
Situations like that happen often.
I haven’t been touched like that since. Or, like,
grabbed like that. Um,
but Target, Trader Joe’s,
Farmers Market, color me mine,
grocery store, restaurant,
movie theater, you name it,
it happens.
but the point is,
it’s scary.
Like, I catch myself looking around,
and I shouldn’t. I’m not chapel,
I catch myself feeling a little caught off guard in some situations.
So I cannot imagine actually being her.
Um, I don’t know what it is about her that people want to violate.
Like, people want to invade in her personal life.
A part of me, it goes back to when Elton John, like,
was like, she’s gonna be the next big thing.
I feel like he put something in the universe that was like,
she’s it. And people are totally invading that.
If you’ve made it this far,
that’s freaking awesome. But I doubt it.
I guess what I’m trying to say is,
if you’re a fan, I don’t know,
look up and be like, hey,
love you. That’s it.
Like, you don’t have to Be extra.
You don’t have to linger like a fart.
You don’t have to stalk like we’re all human.
And, Chappell,
if you are watching this, which I know you’re probably not,
but, um,
I’m proud of you for keeping going.
Cause it’s like every day I go out in public,
I’m like, okay,
what’s gonna happen next? So I can’t imagine.
All right.