Navigating Anxiety: Finding Healing and Connection Through Music

You fit into that?

Me, myself and you is. I felt like that was a good opportunity for me to open up about my anxiety because I am open about it and I talk about it a lot in interviews and I talk to my fans a lot about it through DMS. Like they’re constantly messaging me like I’ve got anxiety, I’ve got exams, I’ve got this. And I feel like it’s something that we all relate to. And unfortunately, now more than ever, I think pretty much everyone experiences some kind of anxiety, which is cuz it’s horrendous. But I just, yeah, I just thought I’d write a song about it and see if it helped anyone or anyone, like, kind of just felt drawn to it in any way.

Is that a scary thing to do?

It is and it isn’t. It’s kind of healing and it’s kind of nice. But then sometimes when I hear it, I’m like, God, yeah, like I do have really bad anxiety, but it’s so nice to be able to put it in the song and then hopefully it can help other people. Where.

Do you think your anxiety stems from?

I don’t actually know because I do all types of therapy. So I do talk therapy. I’ve done therapy where you go back to your childhood traumas. And is it because my dad left when I was 6 months? Is that a thing? Do I have abandonment issues? All these things. I’m like, right, this is getting deep. Is it that or am I just anxious about the world we live in now? Am I anxious about my career because I want to do something that’s really not that normal? Like, I think our jobs are very abnormal. Everybody knows who you are. You’ve got like a following. And even though they admire you, it’s like, it’s pressure, I think. And I don’t, I like, I honestly, I couldn’t tell you where it stems from. I just know that it happens every day and I’m still on a journey with it and I’m still trying to process it and find things that work for me because it, yeah, it’s hard. It’s awful. It is hard.

I give you all the credit. And sometimes I equated to this like, you know, I’ll get nervous over like this interview, for instance. So I’ll get nervous. Yeah, but I get nervous over things that I care about and things that matter. And to your point, like when you’re doing a career like this, like there’s like a constant version of being on display. Like there’s a con, like there’s a con, like a thing where like you’re kind of always working like this. Yeah, you’re out in public in any way she perform like you are working.

Like it doesn’t have a switch off.

No, because you are the you are the job. You are, yeah, the nervous energy. Cuz like, again, like you leaving could matter to someone. Like you can go out into the world and someone can recognize you. You can meet someone, you can, you get what I’m saying?

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I do think it’s had a massive impact, even though I didn’t know it at the time, cuz I’ve never thought of it as my career being the reason I have anxiety, but I think subconsciously, oh, it is a lot to take in and also become a new mom and trying to be the best mom I can possibly be whilst also having a career. And I’m having the career because I want to, because I love singing. Like singing is my passion. It’s what I’ve always wanted to do from yehai. So it’s like trying to find that balance. But yeah, anxiety sucks to write, pain in the office. Do you honestly.

Do you, what’s your, is your easier. And by the way, like again, student of love, students of figuring out all the answers to things, even though there’s a lot of no answers to a lot of things. What is the best course of action for anxiety? Do you just therapy it? Do you manage? Like, how do you manage?

Yeah, I’m still learning. I’m still trying every avenue. I’m still trying different therapists, different kind of therapies, exposure therapy. I’ve just started trying to expose myself to these things, which obviously you don’t feel comfortable doing cuz it’s terrifying. You don’t want the anxiety. So hello, come in. Let’s have a competition. Oh, wait. Yeah, come on. Let’s sit down. No, I’m like, get the out my door. Don’t want you here. That’s the worst way you can react like to anxiety. I’m learning very slowly but surely that you have to just let it in and learn to like live with it instead of trying to fight it off, which is what I do soon as I feel my panic attacks coming on, my anxiety, I’m like, get away like that. And then that makes it worse, obviously. So it’s learning to just calm myself down.

Give you a lot of credit, though. A lot of people live with it, not looking to like, like seek therapies and answers. I think.

It’s cuz it’s scary and I just hate the whole thing around mental health as well. Such a stigma. It’s. But why? Oh, yeah, because everybody has it. Why is it stigma if loads of people have it, you say, right.

That we should be treating mental the same way we treat like a broken.

Leg. If I walked him with a broken leg and I was on crutches, used to be like, oh my God, you okay? But if I walked in riddled with anxiety, nobody would be having a clue. Cuz it’s all in the mind. Your mind is so powerful. My mind is really powerful.

A blessing. It occurs, right? A.

Blessing in a curse indeed.

So to get a record out like me, myself and you, what is you? The anxiety?

Suicide. Me in my mind, it’s like, it’s always been me, myself and you, like, you’ve always been here. Like you’re stealing my breath when I’m trying to speak. You’re doing this, you’re doing that and you’re like, you wrap my heart in heavy chains and that’s what gives me the tight pins in my chest. And like all the lyrics are kind of talking about something or someone. And then at the end, it’s like, it’s just always gonna be me, myself in my mind, cuz it’s my mind that’s doing those things. But it was just nice to be in the room and everyone be right. Like we all had like our notepads or laptops and we will write and things that anxiety does and what it is and how we feel. And we literally had like paragraphs. It’s just like it was a lot, but.

That’s a really therapeutic exercise.

It was nice. And it’s really nice to sing as well. It’s like a lovely melody and it’s just keys and, yeah, that’s nice.

Why do you need a song about anxiety on this album?

Because I know a lot of my fans personally suffer from it, and I feel like it’s nice to do that for them as well. And that sounds cliche, and I don’t mean it’s for my fans. I’m doing it. I am genuinely doing it for them.

But is this album you. Yes. And anxiety is a part of you. Yes. If we listen to this album, we’ll fully understand.

You. Yeah, absolutely. I think you’ll, people all listen to the album and hear all different stories that they’ll be like, oh, wow, okay, I’d maybe didn’t know that about her or that even though it’s come from me and it’s true and it’s my story, I love it when other people have a similar story themselves. So when they listen to it and they stop belting it out, they’re like, yeah, that’s how I.

Feel. Understood. Yeah, you understood? It feels seen. Yeah. Nothing more powerful than that. . Yeah.