Revival of Oasis: A Dream Come True for Music Fans

Boys, just forget the football for a minute.
Oasis are getting back together.
I mean, what a bit of news to wake up to.
The Wembley Stadium hosting every other event apart from football
is finally paying dividends because,
I mean, maybe we get priority access.
Just insane. I mean, I.
I never thought this would happen,
I really didn’t. I didn’t think it would,
but here we go. And I will pay any fee,
any fee to be there. There’s also other news on the music front
in terms of Tottenham Hotspur,
and that’s that Lil Wayne is a massive Spurs fan,
which are pretty cool. Jamie Carrara.
I’m gonna go for Tottenham.
And the reason I say Tottenham is because when I was a kid,
they were probably the first team of what I
sort of was really aware about,
besides Everton and Liverpool.
Because, you know,
people like to talk about trophies and achievements
and all that sort of thing,
but when you got the streets,
it just doesn’t really matter,
does it? Also got Adele as well.
Obviously she’s a massive Spurs fan.
That’s pretty well documented.
And, uh,
you know, just the greatest female musician of our generation.
My generation. I mean,
I think that’s fairly obvious.
But yeah,
Oasis is coming back.
I always make a video of it just cause I think it’s sick.
And they’re coming to Spurs,
I think. Though to be fair,
I did always sort of think this was Gonna happen.
Because the money that’s there to be made
from those two getting back together,
and that will be made now that they have
is just crazy. You can’t turn that down.
Your brothers settle your differences.