Christian Book Review: Beyond That the Sea by Laura Spence Ash

it is time for my Christian review of regular books
and no spoiler review of beyond that the sea by Laura Spence Ash
for those of you who haven’t seen one of these videos before
here’s how it’s gonna go down
first I do my regular review
what you know and love to expect from book review
star rating what I recommend it
what I thought etc
and then I get into my Christian review
and that’s where I go over the basic pieces
that may or may not have a fellow believer
or frankly anyone wanting to read it
I do this so that you can make the decision that’s best for you
and if you and I disagree with what’s okay
that’s okay I’m just here to give you the most amount of information possible
now if you’re wanting more information
in any of my caveats about my Christian reviews
head to the video that’s pinned at the top of my profile
all the information you may need
but for now let’s go ahead and get into my regular review
I got this book at a book outlet
and originally when I picked it up
I don’t remember why I picked it up
and then I was not sure if I was gonna Wanna read it
and then I started to look into it
and I was like oh
my gosh it’s a World War 2 historical fiction
of course that’s why I picked it up
and of course I’m going to love it
and I’m a little disappointed
I’m so bummed you guys
I’m so bummed now listen
this is a beautifully written
beautifully done book it was so well done in so many ways
it had a very unique style that instead of quotations
it was italicized for whenever they were speaking
it almost made it feel like it was all kind of this dream or like
ethereal experience not a actually happening experience
which did make for a very unique reading journey
however it doesn’t actually take place in World War 2 Europe
it takes place or starts taking place in World War 2 America
and it’s that the main female character is removed from the World War 2 like
area and experience of the war
and so instead is brought to America to live with another family
now it was beautifully done
and it doesn’t just stay in that child’s life
but it goes throughout the entire course of her life
and so you follow them well into their later years
like past 50 and that’s really well done
it makes you invested in the characters
and I was I was invested in the storyline and the characters however
the way that this author writes emotions and experiences
is from a bird’s eye view
in the third person narrative
and something about that ends up making you not feel as connected to the stories
other than I felt like I was worried that someone was going to like
have something terrible happen to them at any point
I just constantly felt like something bad was going to happen to this family
again that they were going through a hard time
and that they keep going through this hard time even when they didn’t
and that was just not my favorite feeling
because that’s
I don’t think that’s really what the author intended from this book
I think it’s the way I interpreted her writing style
this writing style reminded me a lot of tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
and I liked that writing style in a lot of ways
I thought it was so beautifully well done
but I didn’t like the story
and this feels very similar
like I really liked the writing style
I even kind of liked the story
but I just didn’t like how it left me feeling
so for that reason I rated this book 3.5 stars
still a great book
and I bet you a lot of people probably like this way more than I do
so don’t take my word on it okay
just know that that was my own personal opinion
now let’s get into my Christian review
for my Christian review I always like to go over the basic pieces
that may or may not have a fellow believer wanting to read it
in the first one I always talk about is smut or spice
because book talk loves it
and no
there really isn’t any there
I think there’s like one scene kinda
and it’s easy to avoid I don’t think it’s anything that would like
cause you to not want to read the book
so it’s definitely something that is kind of more fade to black
and a little bit that’s described can be easily avoided if you need to
the second category is explicit language
and this is again taking place in a historical fiction time frame
starting in World War 2 era
like 1940 1941
oh there isn’t really explicit language or anything to worry about in that way
so that was great again
like I shared because this isn’t technically happening in the war
like in Europe in World War 2
there really isn’t any violence in war either
because you’re taken out of that wartime zone
only to understand it from a peripheral
like what was happening here in America while the war was happening in Europe
so it is again easily
so it is again not something you need to worry about or stress about
and I truly feel like
there’s not really anything to even worry about in that realm
ultimately I give this book my Christian stamp of approval
there’s nothing that I would worry about to give to a fellow believer or reader
I think anybody could read this book and enjoy it
I even think that like the older years
like 15 16
17 it doesn’t have such mature content that you
a younger reader couldn’t enjoy it
it just follows people through their whole adult lives
so I feel like there’s opportunities for learning
and experiences that could be gained from this book
no matter what but I definitely think probably like
no younger than 15 years old
as always
you can see everything that I’m reading and rating by following me on Goodreads
you can also find me on the picture app
although I’m very not present there
but just in case it’s good to have a backup plan
you can find everything you need to stay in contact with me
or either the links I just shared at the link in my
you know what so go ahead and check it out there
and as always I love you bye