Underwhelming Dokkaebi Nerf: A Disappointing Update for Rainbow Six Siege Community

The Dokkaebi nerf is finally here
and it literally hasn’t really done anything.
It’s the most lack lustered nerf that we’ve ever received.
Dokkaebi can’t call you in the first 45 seconds.
The end.
People have been asking for a dokkaebi nerf for a really long time.
So the actual breakdown of the nerf is that
it takes 45 seconds for her to charge her calls,
so she has to wait 45 seconds.
Once the rounds begun, she gets one call,
waits 45 seconds again she gets another call.
But if she stores them so after a minute and a half she then has two.
So it literally just stops a rush with Dokkaebi and that’s it.
She is still going to be the most infuriating attacker on the board.
This was announced in February.
I don’t understand why they waited
until Season 3 to bring in something so small.
I imagine this is going to have zero effect on her ban rate
and have zero effect on her win rate.
So for all of the doki mains
who were worrying that she was gonna get nerfed into the ground
like solace,
you can sleep well tonight knowing she has barely been changed.
Solace, however,
I cannot say the same. She has been nerfed again.