Desperate Plea for Sabrina Carpenter Tickets: A Manifestation Journey

Right, guys,
um, I hate to be that girl,
but if you don’t ask, you don’t get.
If there’s any brands or companies
or whatever that have got tickets to see Sabrina Carpenter.
Please, please,
please. Can I go with you? Please?
Like, I tried to get tickets, guys.
I tried, and I couldn’t get them.
And look at the resale prices now.
I can’t pay, like,
400 quid to go watch on my own.
I just can’t. Like,
that’s just. I just think that’s really,
really sad.
So please, please,
please don’t prove. Oh,
don’t. I’m making myself ill.
But you know what? You’ve got to ask,
and you’ve got to manifest these things in life.
Every competition I’ve seen on Instagram to go and see ya,
I’ve entered it. Like, I’m.
I’m really, really trying.
But you know what? If there are brands out there that are like,
you know what? Let’s take some creators to go.
Please, please take me.
I’m so embarrassing. I need to just go. Go.