Reflections on the Emotional Impact of a Movie Adaptation: Love, Abuse, and Healing

but it is hard to speak quickly and concisely when talking about all this stuff
so I saw the movie a week ago
everybody walked out crying
I mean literally walked out from the movie theater into the women’s restroom
well mostly women
90% women and like
fixing their makeup wiping their eyes
so no matter your opinions about the movie
the cast like
for it to have that effect on people
I think that means they did a pretty good job
I went and saw this movie with someone who didn’t read the book
and they were convinced that rile did not touch her the way that um
that was portrayed on screen
so they did a good job of that um
because he was rooting for him
he was rooting for rile and didn’t think that he like
did these things this is really hard right
it’s really hard to translate a book into a movie
I think there was more like
cycles of abuse like verbally
mentally all those other things um
in the book that really showed kind of how RAL was abusive
repeat of repeatedly and on that cycle
you know I’ve read the book
obviously watching something on screen
hearing the words can be totally different
um when she sat on the couch in Atlas’s apartment and said
if I can’t protect myself
how am I supposed to protect a child
that one really hit for me
having been in a relationship where I felt like I was walking on eggshells
um I was constantly being gaslit
these things were happening
still being gaslit honestly
through this divorce process
um her saying that really hit
I got an argument recently um
with my child’s dad about having the car seat rear facing for safety
she’s one and a/2 years old
I live in Washington state
you can do the Google and you could do the research
but if you’re an anxious mama
you already know the answer to that
so the fact that I felt like I couldn’t always protect myself
the fact that I feel like I’m struggling to protect her sometimes whoo
that line really hit me
understand that translating a book to a movie can be really difficult
but I really think Atlas knocking on
like the 29 doors would have really made the audience love him more
if they hadn’t read the book
leaving that out was tough
delivers an emotional impact
most of the acting was great
um wardrobe
not great soundtrack
not great I still feel like someone else should be Lily
but that’s just a personal preference from reading the book
and emotions and what you imagine in your head
in summary I was married to rile
and I’m still looking for my atlas