Title: Exploring Life Dysmorphia: A Meditation on Appreciating the Present and Perspective on Happiness

I think you would give me everything you own in 25 years time
to be the age you are now
and as healthy as you are right now.
And I think it’s a really interesting meditation to think about.
If you had a time machine,
if you were 30 years in the future,
if you could be this healthy and feel this good,
you give everything, materially,
that you own in 30 years time to be back here.
I think that we suffer in the west a little bit from life dysmorphia.
Do you know about body dysmorphia or gender dysmorphia?
We’ve got life dysmorphia.
A lot of people think their life is terrible
because there’s kind of the.
The hadonic treadmill. You get used to how great your life is.
No one had a hot shower until 50 years ago.
Well, no one that you would admire from 100 years ago
had this simple pleasure in life.
Life has never been objectively better and subjectively worse,
because the nature of humanity is.
Our desires are mnemonic. How happy are you?
Well, it’s.
It’s your quality of life minus envy.