Spider-Man 4: Fans’ Reaction to Another Multiverse Story and the Demand for a Traditional Spider-Man Tale

Spider Man fans we have lost
and here’s why Spider Man 4 is expected to be another multiverse story
and it’s now gonna film next year
and it’s later released on July 2,026
between doomsday and Secret Wars
meaning yes
it’s probably gonna be another multiverse movie
and Sony fundamentally doesn’t understand why this is a bad move
this movie right here Sony does not understand that this is a pop culture moment
something that literally brought people back to movie theaters
and something that can only really be replicated one time
the marketing the not knowing if they’re gonna be in
at the rumors Andrew Garfo denying that he was gonna be in it
then opening night we finally got to see Andrew Garfo
Tobey Maguire return as their version to Spider Man
and that was a huge moment that you can’t recreate again
if we know that they’re gonna be in this movie
they’re gonna do the multiverse thing
it’s not gonna be as fun Sony being Sony
they just look at dollar signs like oh
we should do that again let’s recreate that again
as opposed to what all the fans want
we want a street level Spider Man story for Tom Holland
the multiverse the novelty of him playing with the Avengers was fun
but we want our traditional Spider Man
all been clamoring for just that street level
traditional Spider Man story
where he works with the Daily Bugle
he lives in a busted up department
he’s got to take pictures for the Daily Bugle
Tom Holland hasn’t gotten that again
the novelty the MCU stuff was fun
we’re ready for that more traditional Spider Man story
and he deserves it and we even heard that like
kingpin was gonna be
and supposedly supposed to be like the Thanos of the street level crime
give us that give a Spider Man
Daredevil protecting New York
and him truly being a friendly neighborhood Spider Man
Spider Man fans
how are you feeling about the news about it being a multiverse story
let me know and I
movie Taco Brock your friendly neighborhood movie nerds
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