Comparing the Difficulty of Going Back-to-Back in March Madness vs NBA Finals

oh, okay,
I got you. I’m.
I’m explain to it. March Madness,
you get one game and you’re out of there.
NBA Finals, you get is a game.
Is the best of seven.
So it’s harder to go back to back in March Madness.
I mean, March Madness,
because it’s one game. Elimination,
upset, stuff like that.
I would say it’s harder to go back to back in the NBA Finals, cause,
you know, it’s the NBA, bro.
You know what I’m saying? Like,
dudes, is discount is on a different level.
Um. March Madness,
you only got one game.
Mm. Oh,
I wanna say NBA Finals,
March Madness. Yeah.
Shout out Yukon.
It’s hard to go back back to back.
Yukon was. That was crazy.
March Madness for sure. NBA Finals.
NBA Finals,
March Madness for sure. Even though you can’t just do it.
Credit to them.
I would say it’s hard to go back to back in March Madness.
I would say. Yeah.