Monday Musings: Coffee Runs, TikTok Products, and Egg Bites

If there ever was a Monday is definitely today, y’all.
I am exhausted, and I don’t know why.
I know I’ve not been sleeping the best the past week.
I’ve been a little extra stress with some stuff going on,
but it’s really starting to weigh down on me.
This morning, I click snooze way too many times.
I had a dream. In my dream,
I was clicking snooze,
so I didn’t even realize that I slept later than I should have.
So forgive me, because, yes,
you’re about to see that I did make a run to Starbucks this morning
because I was extremely exhausted and running behind this morning,
so I didn’t have time to make my coffee at home.
But it’s okay. I might average Starbucks once a month at this point
since I’ve started making my own coffee at home.
So for that, I am proud.
And, yes,
I got these little egg bites.
They’re awesome. If you’ve never tried them,
you need to try them with that Sriracha on them.
Best thing ever. But y’all have got to stay tuned today.
And this week, I’m gonna try and get through
showing y’all so many TikTok products that I’m super excited about.
Like, I cannot wait to show y’all something today
that is the most beautiful thing ever.
So y’all stay tuned, cause there’s gonna be a lot to come.
I’m getting these groceries in.
I’ve got so much to do around the house today,
but But I’m gonna keep y’all in the loop this week.
Hope everybody’s having a great start to their Monday.