Dealing with the Haters: Navigating Criticism in the Comment Section

Everybody got something to say and got an opinion on? Yeah.
Comment section going crazy.
How you deal with that? At first it was tough cause I was like,
I’m trying to spread positivity and then people are hating,
saying everything to me like games.
It was crazy. That’s all they want is a reaction.
I gotta tell my parents, like,
they wanna respond more than I do
and I gotta tell them like, no,
like just chill.
Yeah, just chill.
It’s alright. You get used to it at a certain point.
I didn’t really like how just people talk about the nails,
the tik toks more than basketball.
I’m like, I’ve done basketball since I was three years old.
I do this stuff on the side,
but obviously it’s got me where I’m at today.
But when they try and overshadow
like my hard work in basketball just by saying the TikTok, right,
the TikTok stuff, that’s when I hate it.
But you something I got to live with.