The Testament of Job: A Deep Dive into Righteousness and Faith

It’s a Bible right here, bro.
That’s that cow butt, bro.
That’s that, that’s that.
Oh, smell that spot,
bro. Look at this.
Yeah, that’s why I love it so much,
cause you can. It’s made.
It comes out the box like that.
It makes you want to read it.
haha. It does though.
It’s a joke.
Joe is going in, bro.
We’re testing Joe’s righteousness.
They were like, you really are not that guy,
and that’s what’s wrong with you.
All this stuff bad happened in your life is your fault.
God is good, you are not.
But I’ve been living for this mug.
They’re like, no you haven’t.
He’s like, yes,
I have. He said,
let me tell you how you know when you, like,
people put you against the corner and you put like,
on my mama, on the homies,
like on my daughter, you know what I’m saying?
On fold them, grave.
On fold them, you know what I’m saying?
Job said, if my heart has been enticed towards another woman,
and I have lain in wait at my neighbor’s door,
okay, so I was at my neighbor’s house waiting for his wife to come home.
And if I have committed the sin of adultery,
if I’ve done that, let me tell you what I wish would happen to me.
He says,
then let my wife grind for another and let others bow down on her.
Hebrew term used here to Khan,
which may be Literally described as grind,
has a double meaning. It could be a euphemism for sexual relations,
or it could refer to slavery.
The female slaves of Egypt were forced to grind the mill
when imprisoned by the Philistines.
Samson was forced to grind at the mill in Judges 16:21.
Twerking to work it. I mean,
I have to see. I need to see.
So Tekhan is in verse 10. Let.
Let my wife Tekhan for another man.
And then it says, and let others bow down on her.
Yeah, so that would make more sense.
Let let slavery fall on my wife,
not just other men. Let other people in general oppress her.
If I’m lying. If I’m lying,
I’m flying. What a weird thing to say, though.
It’s say, if I’m lying,
made my wife belly dance for another man.
I think that that’s because Joe was showing you how serious he was
about the fact that he was not lying,
but his wife. His wife is like,
you never see a 50 cent. Me with a 50 cents.
Like, what I’m in here for? What?
Why you call me out? Why Floyd talk about me?
And then he talks about a success.
Verse 12, if I’m lying,
then let fire consume the.
It says, burn to the root
all my increase. That boy said,
burn to the root. And that means to the very bottom.
Which says what? To us,
ladies and gentlemen, sometimes when the enemy is Active, disrupting,
causing things to stumble and fall.
Sometimes when life is just hard.
You don’t need to take that as you know.
I must have made god upset.
Now he’s judging me. This is job.
Standing as a man righteous before god was not,
you know, inciting the anger of god on him.
And things that were bad happened to him.
How much more for those who are in Jesus,
who stand with the righteousness of god?
Because what Christ has given us,
how much are we still loved
even as things burn around us?
Is that not my Lord?
And if you don’t know it, cause you don’t know him.
But I can help you today. Yes.
Bring twenty five dollars and thirty four cents.
That’s what Matthew 25:34.
You can out. You can hold the shame moisturized hand of our Lord.
Alright, my brother.
Best seller
Ray Ray’s Rib Shack best seller list.
And Ray just came out. The Angels Jesus,
number one,
No.1 best seller at Ray Ray’s Rib Shack in Southside, Florida.
I get free steak and sausage sandwich. Riblets.
Riblets for life. Hey,
it just comes with success.
What do you want me to do?
Бір екі
those things are good. And what that means is
Christianity, in some ways,
as it is seen throughout the land, is losing ground.
Seems like things that were, uh, given
as those things are kind of happening.
God is not pulling his hair out.
In fact, God can do more with sincere Christians
living in a world that hates them
than a world that says they’re Christian
but don’t really love them.