Shifting Gears: Embracing Growth and Direction in Life

What you cannot do in life is think you in neutral,
and god is satisfied. Park means you stubborn,
you ain’t going nowhere. Reverse means you’re going backwards.
Drive means you’re going forward.
But neutral is determined by what you’re on.
If you’re on a heel and you’re in neutral,
you gonna go backwards. If you’re downhill and you in neutral,
you gonna go forward. The problem I have is that all of your movement
is determined by your atmosphere.
Ooh! If you got a bad circle and you in neutral,
they gonna take you backwards.
If you around people who hungry,
they gonna take you forward.
But my testimony is, in this season of my life,
if I gotta drive by myself,
I’m shifting gears this year.
There is no neutrality in Christianity.
God expects you to grow. Put that in your notes.
God expects growth from you.