Green and Raw Challenge: Tag Me!

Hello there. So I just finished my workout,
and I have decided today I’m going to do a challenge.
The challenge is called. Of course,
I always want y’all to move your body,
but today the challenge is called,
eat something raw and green
and tag me. So I’m eating a kiwi. Okay?
It’s raw, it’s green,
it’s good for me. I want you to eat something raw and green
and tag me and tell me what it was that you ate.
Let’s. Look,
let’s start this little trend.
Every day, we’re gonna try to eat something new.
Like in my book, I did a new thing.
I challenge y’all to try new things.
Let’s start today. Today,
the first day of the challenges,
eat something green. Tag me.
Look, tag you with.
Would you eat green today?
Hmm. Mmm.
My taste so good.
Y’all go ahead. All right.
This gonna be something. I think I’m gonna keep up.
We’re gonna do it every day. Okay?
Y’all hold me accountable,
and I’ll hold y’all accountable.
So today’s color is green,
raw and alive. Okay?
Alright. Now go on about your business.
Had a most amazing day. But even if you can’t have a good one,
don’t you dare go messing up.
Nobody else’s here. Eat you something raw and green today.
Tag me. Love you. Bye. Mmm.