Reviving the Art of Afternoon Social Calls: Prioritizing Connection and Slowing Down in Today’s Busy World

Okay maybe I’ve been watching too much Bridgerton
but whatever happened to the afternoon social call?
Like not the Bridgerton style courting calls
but the social visits between friends and neighbors
that usually happen in the afternoon.
Our grandmothers would just show up at someone’s house just to have a visit.
It was like expected and if you didn’t have a social call or make one
that wasn’t good. Now,
I’m not naive enough to realize that
when afternoon social visits were at their prime
most women worked at home and not in office.
But also unlike today
the social hour was prioritized
like doing laundry or having your morning cup of coffee or going to the gym.
It was a blocked off part of the day
that was meant for slowing down and creating connections.
And as much as Southerners love to cook and host like our grandmothers
you would think we’d wanna carry on this tradition too.
And I know times are different
and we probably all can’t commit to a daily afternoon visit
but who’s to say we can’t do a zoom lunch or a Saturday morning coffee walk
or make a priority to meet up with someone for happy hour after work?
So here’s to taking it slower and making time for a afternoon or Saturday
or lunch or happy hour visit. We all deserve a break.