Exploring the Common Threads of Life Across Borders

more you travel
the more you realize how life is pretty much the same in a lot of places
you walk around just observe
you just see just life happening
but in the same occurrence
if that makes any sense you have people that
you know just chilling
grabbing a beer
like a yeah
families walking around strolling on a Saturday morning
um yeah
people just kinda sitting down
just chilling like
it sounds stupid but then when you travel
because I think we put like a lot of emphasis on like wow
travel new experience
oh my god but so different ways of life
and then we travel enough countries in a certain region
you like oh
it’s like the same thing you know
every place has like a particular shop
every place has like a weird coffee shop that
you know may not be the best
every place has a Starbucks
every place has like some McDonald’s
some Burger King every place has some old church
some place has that old cobblestones
we got to walk and it’s uneven
you have places where to have families
you know it’s like all the same
and not in a bad way I think it is a good thing to notice
so that you just kind of know that any place you’re in at the some point
is gonna be the same thing so
so get comfortable with the mundane
cause sooner or later the place you’re traveling to and where you’re staying at
it’s gonna become mundane
there’s nothing wrong with that it’s just life