Breaking the Silence: My Struggle with a Toxic Mother and Healing from Childhood Abuse

My toxic mother made fun of my weight during my pregnancy party, so I reveal the abuse I suffered during my childhood. Now my entire family has turned against me for speaking out, and I have cut ties with my toxic parents for good.

I, 29, female, recently announced my pregnancy, but my mother, 52 female, decided to ruin the party with her negativity and made so much fun of me that I said certain things that created a really weird environment. So my husband and I have been married for almost three years, and we have been trying to conceive for about six months. It finally happened recently. Both of us are obviously thrilled since this was something that we had wanted for a really long time, he and I decided to throw a party to announce it to our families. We also invited a lot of our friends and coworkers, so pretty much everybody that we knew and was important to us was present at the park party. I had also invited my mother in spite of our strained relationship, a decision that I now regret. She has shown me time and again that she doesn’t deserve to be around me. But I always try to keep the peace of the family and that’s why I invited her, even though we don’t have a good relationship anymore. As a matter of fact, we never had a great relationship to begin with. That was really her own fault since she had treated me really badly ever since I was a kid. She was pretty much a textbook toxic mother, constantly trying to monitor everything that I ate because she wanted me to be pretty like her. She was a model when she was younger, but she had a quit because of her pregnancy. And I guess that’s where it all stem from, her constant obsession with turning me into a miniature version of her and living out her dreams through me. I guess you could refer to her as a combination of an almond mother and a helicopter parent. That’s the most accurate description of her.

Needless to say, my childhood was not an easy one, and my mother was a nightmare to live. My dad wasn’t at home most of the time because he was the sole breadwinner and he would work long hours. So growing up, it was just me and my mother at home. She would make me participate in baby pageants. And the sad part was that I never won a single one. I guess that’s what made her even more resentful towards me, the fact that she was trying to live out her dreams through me, but even that wasn’t working for her. She kept making me participate in pageants throughout my childhood, even though I never one.

My mother has put me on diets from ages as young as 6 years old because she wanted me to have the perfect book and not turn out too chubby when I got older. At the time, I was too young to even understand what was going on with my mother. But by the time I was in middle school, I could tell that there was something very wrong with my mother, and I started rebelling. My mother would pack my lunches and I would be lucky if I got anything more than half a fruit on most days. So I started eating my friend’s lunches as well. I was lucky enough to have good friends who didn’t wrap me out and gladly share their lunches with me. I guess their parents also understood that my mother was kind of off. And instead of complaining about me, they started putting extra food in their kids lunchboxes. That was really nice of them. And that’s how I got by in middle school. It was tough and I hated the fact that I had to count on my friends for something as basic as food. But that’s how it was. But in high school, things got easier for me because I received lunch money from my dad. My mother couldn’t stop him from giving me money for lunch. But she would threaten me and tell me that if I gained weight, then she would punish me by starving me at home. I honestly thought that she was joking, but unfortunately she was not.

Once I started high school, I started eating more. Since now I didn’t have to rely on my friends for food and could eat to my heart’s content. I just became healthier because I needed that food to fuel myself. I started feeling less lethargic and weak all the time, and my overall health was much better. Because of the weight gain, my body also started looking normal. And I was really happy about it because I finally looked like how a normal teenager does instead of a stick thin, male nourish kid. But of course, my mother was horrified and would weigh me almost every day because she had noticed the weight gain way before I had, and she did not approve of it when she realized that I wasn’t losing weight in spite of her warnings, she started doing exactly what she had promised me she would. She started starving me at home. She had to give me dinner because my dad would be home at the time, but she forced me to go to school without breakfast and hit all the snacks. So I had nothing to munch on when I was at home.

Essentially, the only two meals that I was having every day were the school lunch and dinner at home. And even though having lunch at school had helped me gain weight once, it wasn’t nutritious enough to sustain that, so I started losing weight rapidly once again. It all came to a head when I actually lost consciousness during class one day and had to be taken to the, because I just wasn’t waking up. That was the day that my father finally found out about everything.

Now, a lot of people must be wondering why I hadn’t told my father everything right from the beginning. It was obviously because of my mother. And I was really scared of her ever since I was a little child. She had practically trilled into my head that if I ever told my dad or anybody else that I was hungry, then she would make sure that I remained hungry for the rest of my life. Saying that I was hungry in my house was pretty much the worst thing that I could say, and I was forbidden from using that word. And obviously, like any little kid, I was terrified of my mother and I did not want to end up on her bad side. So I never spoke up against her because I was scared of what might happen if I did. And that’s what stop me. And also maybe a strange little part of myself actually wanted my mother to love me for who I was. And I wanted her approval so bad that I never spoke up against her.

My dad was also really busy all the time, and I barely saw him when I was a kid. To my father, there was nothing more important than making money. And he was the kind of dad who would bring the office home with him. He worked really hard, and I’m kind of grateful for it since he was the reason that I had a nice life. I was miserable, but I was rich. If he picked up on the fact that I was a lot skinnier than most kids my age, he never said anything about it until that day when I ended up in the. Both my parents were called. And while my father seemed to genuinely be concerned about me, my mother just appeared to be really annoyed. I found out later that the doctors had told my parents that my body was lacking proper nutrition and I have faded out of hunger. They suggested that either I was actively being starved by someone or I was starving myself. Either way, my mother’s cover was blown.