Misadventures with Tiger and Miss P: A Fox Tale of Medicines, Treats, and Wily Antics

Oh, look,
it’s my two bravest foxes,
Tiger and Miss P.
It’s often quite difficult to feed Tiger when Miss P is around,
because she tries to steal whatever I give him.
I usually have to throw things for him onto the grass,
just so I know Miss P can’t get them first.
But Tiger is due his very last dose of antibiotic for his poorly eye,
which is looking loads better already.
And since Miss P was very busy with her chicken, Tiger,
I decided to risk it.
No, it’s not for you. It’s medicine.
No, you were happy eating your chicken.
Come back to your chicken.
What a cheeky girl. It’s not like she doesn’t get her own treats.
Can lick the spoon.
You’re so funny, Missy.
Don’t bite me.
Did you notice Tiger in the background?
It’s been incredibly windy lately,
so he just hasn’t been very happy about eating his food.
So I took the opportunity when I had it.
Which I suppose is exactly what Miss P did, too.
After Miss P went back to her chicken,
I tried to throw Tiger an egg,
but I completely missed, so Miss P got that one as well.
Don’t worry, Tiger.
I promise not to break this one.
It’s all yours. Come and get it.
You’re so scary, Miss P.
Sometime later, when Miss P was most definitely gone,
it was time to try again with Tiger’s medicine.
I’d mixed it into some kitty yogurt,
which normally He really loves,
but he was freaked out by the wind and wouldn’t eat it.
In the end, I had to mix in some of my cat’s treats,
these, like,
chewy stick things, and he loved those.
I put it fast so you could see. Debbie,
you’ll get yours in a minute.
And that was Libby trying to pour up my lap to get some more of them.
Poor girl.
Tiger didn’t quite finish all his medicine,
but I’m pretty sure he had enough.
His eye is looking so much better,
and his overall health looks very good.
Yeah, I’m talking about you.
This clip is actually from my next video,
so you’ll see more of that tomorrow.
But it’s just to show how much better his eye is looking.
Oh, your eye looks so good.
It really does. Barely any of that pesky white eyelid was visible.
And here’s boo boo trying to get a piece of chicken
that fell into the middle of those pots, but failing.