Get Ready With Me: Curling Hair, Makeup Routine, and Lunch Prep

Curling my hair. Gonna go to a lunch at 1. It is currently 11:59.
I’m gonna do my makeup, and I’m gonna start off with some sunscreen.
I just moisturized, wash my face.
This one is by Kosas.
Now I’m gonna go in and do my eyebrows.
I just use the benefit. Precisely.
My brow here, it’s a little bit sparse,
and I just go in with, like,
an extremely, extremely light.
I’m just gonna brush them out
using the benefit. Just clear brow gel,
and I just comb them the way that I want them to sit all day,
and that’s good to go.
Kind of to the side so they don’t look like they’re straight up.
I don’t like when brows look like they’re laminated.
I like for them just to do what they would naturally do,
which is, like,
kind of go over a bit.
When I first get my lashes lifted and tinted,
I really don’t do anything to them for,
like, a while because they don’t really need anything.
So I’m not gonna touch them.
Actually, I’m going to touch them.
I take that back. I’m just gonna use the little conditioner that Nani,
who did my, uh,
mashes, gave me,
and it’s just this stuff. I don’t honestly know what’s in it,
but it makes them
moisturized, I think,
and comes them out.
So that’s it. That is all I’m gonna do.
And that’s all I put on my brows and my lashes.
When I go to sleep. Next step is just gonna be to do some concealer.
I’m just gonna use a Merritt concealer stick,
and I’m only gonna use this anywhere that I have a blemish,
so everywhere.
Actually, my skin’s pretty good right now.
Good for me. But it only ever lasts a couple days being good.
So don’t even ask me, Bobby,
what do you use? Because it doesn’t matter.
I haven’t figured out what to use yet.
This will be clear for a couple more days,
I bet, and then we’ll be right back to having breakouts again.
That’s just the story of my life.
I always have one clear day out of every month.
Not one clear day, one clear week out of every month.
So just as what it is. This one’s a little bit lighter.
Oh, this one might be the same one I just put down.
Hmm. I don’t know. Really?
Actually, I don’t know. Whatever.
Now I’m gonna go wash this with dial soap because that’s antibacterial,
and I think that does something.
And then I’ll be right back.
I’m back. Now
I’m just going to blend all this
in the spots that are more noticeable,
and I’m just gonna let that kind of sit there
while I finish the rest of my makeup.
And then I’m gonna blend that with my finger
after. Now I’m just gonna take this.
That very clearly gets used for blush.
I should wash this, but
not because I don’t want to wait for it to dry, honestly,
but here I just dip it. I’ve yet to have to open this rare beauty thing,
and it’s been a year. I’m sure it’s expired,
but I just love this blush
and it’s still going strong.
So just dip it on the outside
and then I just put it up here,
right here. I love blush.
I’m gonna make it a little less pink in a second,
but yeah, this stuff lasts all day
and it looks so good. There’s a little bit of that Giorgio Armani one
that I was just using as a mirror
just to go over it so that it stays pink throughout the day.
I just kind of dab that one right there,
and then that’s it. Benetint, benefit, floratint.
And I’m just gonna put it. Okay.
I just put this kind of everywhere,
and then I go like that. And then I take something.
I’m honestly just gonna use this headband right now, and I wipe it off.
Okay. Now I’m gonna take.
Usually I would use a piece of cotton,
but I’m gonna use this headband cause it’s close
and this kind of dries quickly
and it just tints it. And honestly,
I don’t even have to touch my lips all day long.
They just keep a little tint on them.
Now I’m gonna go over it with this just to get,
like, outer line,
a little bit more stuff. I don’t know.
What the point of this is.
But just saw on a TikTok, and I was ordering from Sephora,
so I added it to my cart, but let’s see.
feels good. Hopefully this doesn’t break me out.