Title: Professional Organizer: Bringing Order to Every Space

Oh, work.
I’m a professional organizer.
Do you mean like the show hoarders?
Hoarders? Sometimes.
Most of my services are residential.
I help people organize and declutter
from the attic down to the basement to desks and paperwork.
Basically, anything that needs detail and organization,
I’m down. However,
the show hoarders shows different levels of hoarding.
There’s five levels of hoarding that show.
You usually see levels three through five,
which is the most extreme cases.
Usually if that is the case,
they need to bring in a counselor.
Some professional organizers have a counseling degree,
and they can tie that in. I am open to being a part of a team if needed.
But ultimately, professional organizers are consultants.
We are here to fit your needs.