A Puppy-Themed 26th Birthday Celebration: Decorating, Gifts, and Custom Cocktails

My family and Brett’s family are about to arrive for dress shopping
in our engagement party,
and it happens to be my younger sister’s birthday.
She’s turning 26 today, and she’s such an angel,
like, such a sweet little girl
that she is willing to come here and celebrate me on her birthday.
So I was like, no,
We have to make sure we celebrate her super hard.
So I’ve been decorating. She loves dogs,
so I found this at target,
and I thought it was so cute.
Got her birthday banner over here as well.
Obviously, we got some gifts ready to go.
Had to keep up the puppy theme,
of course,
but then I made custom cocktail menus with all kinds of fun things
and some different, like,
inside jokes. One of my favorites is the no longer 22
and the Mars wants to get lit
because my sister is way more wild than.
I baked her a cake. It’s,
you know, it’s a.
Is she a little fugly? Sure,
sure, she sure is.
But it’s also kind of cute.
And it was made with love.
It’s brat summer themed, if you can’t tell.
I also have a ton of shallow shots back here for her.
She likes it. I made it with love.
Oh, man.
Thank you. What made you choose those colors?
Is that on. Is that on a pizza stone? Yeah.