From Graduations to God’s Grace: A Mama’s Journey of Faith and Family

Good morning. I just wanna give a big shout out and praised glory to god. My granddaughter graduated high school yesterday and immediately after walking off that field from graduating, she went to her college and it starts July 8th on her 18th birthday. And I want everyone to know how proud I am of her. But what I’m here for is to let people know I’m around, I’m present in the Lord.

I have a lot of things going on in my life. Saint Nestrada stop me out, but he will not stop me out because my Lord and savior is here with me. I will be back. Mama Dukes will be back doing her free for all Fridays, her humpback Wednesdays and all of that. But as a lot of you know, my husband had a stroke March 11th anniversary of my mother passing away and the day before the anniversary of his father passing away. And it took a lot out of him. But what people don’t understand. It takes a lot out of the people that are taking care of the sick people. I’m still holding down my nine and a half hour job, plus taking care of my home, the bills. My husband. And my daughter took off from work to help her father and she does not get paid for it. And it’s almost four months now. So we are helping her with her bills as well. And to Christ be the glory that he has brought me through.

I have a lot going on health wise with myself that a lot of people don’t know about. And I don’t give it to the Satan to rule over me, I give it to God that is keeping me strong and healthy. I don’t claim illness. I know God is gonna wash over me with the blood of Jesus. So I’m asking you guys just to be patient with me, keep following me, keep liking my content. We enjoy being around.

I’m sorry for all of those that I used to come on here and support. I’m not able to do it right now, but when I do get a chance and I see on and I have a way of supporting you, I will support you.

Mama Dukes haven’t forgot about light skin. Mama Dukes haven’t forgot about a lot of people, mainly light skin. Cuz he’s my dude. He’s like a grandson to me. I say grandson because he’s closer to my grandkid’s age. My grandoldest grandson is 27. So that tells you a lot. But I thank all of you.

Yesterday, I said from 9:00 to 1:30 at my granddaughter’s graduation on a football field and the bleachers, it was hot. It was exhausting. I suffer from a problem with taken in the sun. It’s called photosensitivity. The sun can make me sick. Not the heat, but the sun directly. They told us we couldn’t bring umbrellas or any of that stuff to shield ourself. So I just sat there because I was proud of my granddaughter, but it took a lot out of me by 7:00 that night.

Now, when we left the graduation, as I said, she went over to her college to confirm, to find out there was classes that she needed before she starts her nursing, you know, other credit classes that she needed. So she’s gonna start July 8th, her birthday, to do those. And then after she does those, she goes in for her nursing. I’m so proud of her. My next granddaughter won’t graduate for a while cuz she’s just going into, he’s my cohort with the Mama Duke’s post.

My little Lily, she’s gone into 5th grade. She’s an honor student. She was inducted into the honor society. Her sister, they just graduated. Got a lot of certificates for medical feel. She was R, R, R. O. T. C as well.

I’m sorry, I’ve lost my voice since last Saturday, my son’s 44th birthday. I think he’s old enough to be light skin. Instead, my oldest is 47. I think I’m doing alright. God is getting me through it all.

I just want people to understand when a person gets sick, there not only ones that suffer. The people taking care of people suffer a lot, too, because they have a lot of stress on them and they gotta keep their self healthy to take care the people that are sick. So I have some empathy and I’m axing this out of niceness.

Please like and follow my content. I follow everybody back that follows me. I like everybody back. I can’t beat one here of everybody’s live. I have not went live because I’m not sure or what I need to do or what kind of content because I love to cook. If you guys wanna see me cook, let me know in the comments that you want to watch me cook some foods or let me go live with my granddaughter and you see some of the taste test that we do.

I do have a lot of people reaching out for me to sponsor them. I’m not in this for a bunch of money. I can use it, but God’s gonna provide in that way.

So right now I’m at work and I just got a little rest period. I’m just trying to meditate and get myself together. I know when I go home, it’s another job that I gotta do. I got a little bit of OCD. I like to clean and I left this morning thinking my house is a mess. I live in a townhouse. Oh, it’s one, two, three floors. And I just want to start from the top and go to the bottom, or the bottom and go to the top and clean it. But when you have a two year old grandson, my little Jujo, his name is Julius, running around a lot. Things get messed up all over, hand prints everywhere. So I’m gonna try to do it this weekend. They’re going back to their house. They come back because my daughter helps to take care of her. Father went up at work. But my 44 year old son is fiancee might soon to be doing in law. We’re gonna have to pull their weight and help with us. My oldest son lives in Florida, so there’s nothing he can do but call us. So that’s it. I mean, there is more he could do, but he chooses to be, stay down near Florida with his wife. So be it, god. It’s gonna help us get through all of this.

Rupert knows I love him very much, 45 years of marriage. I get a lot of men on here to keep brightening, tell me I’m beautiful. Beauty is an aisle beholder. I don’t need nanny y’all to tell me that where I don’t think I’m all that gorgeous. My husband married me 45 years ago and I have changed so much and he still loves me till today. I don’t need a sugar daddy. So stop axing if you want my cash app to send me some money, I’ll give it to you. But Dana, you get in return. So would that be a set light skin? As soon as I can get back to you, I will be there to support what you. I know you understand. You’re like one of my grandsons. I’m probably your oldest member. I love all you. Take care, be blessed. And I’m gonna move on with my day and give it to God because he is the one that’s gonna get me through all of you. Remember that? Give it to God and he will get you through. Bye.