Homegrown Memories: A Legacy on the Field

Yeah, we’ve spent so much time watching you grow up here,
really grow into a man.
Some special memories that you’ll hold close to your heart
from the club? Yeah,
hundred percent. This is home for me.
This will always be home. I’ll always be a warrior at heart. And, um, yeah,
like I said, it’s,
it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be feeling weird,
uh, next year running against you’s,
um, hope I come and put 50s on you.
I heard this week, though,
actually, they named the Sean Johnson Stadium.
Did they name the Walmart field after you,
Jess Tavana? And is it gonna stay once you leave?
Probably not. They named,
I wanted them to name the bench after me
cause that’s where I’ve sat my whole life.