Reframing Identity: A Jewish Perspective on Zionism and Nationalism

I am an Israeli Jew, and I do not identify as a Zionist anymore.
Shocking, I know,
but if you haven’t read my article,
let me explain. Stop using the word Zionist.
It’s a little too hot right now.
I am a German who hates Jewish people
and believes in my own supremacy as a member of the Arian race,
but I do not identify with Nazi anymore.
Yes, I own slaves,
but I don’t identify with slave owner,
so stop calling me that. I’m materially this thing and I act upon it
and I consciously promote it,
but I don’t identify with the label that it’s is a tied to.
Because people are saying bad things about that word,
and I. I don’t like that, okay?
And. And Zionism isn’t a bad thing, okay?
Which is why I want to dissociate from it.
Zionism. Zionism is a completely great thing,
and it’s wonderful and it’s awesome,
and the indigenous dream is fulfilled
and we have nothing to feel bad about,
because Zionism is awesome.
But also, I want to dissociate from that word, okay?
We just need to stop using that word. Why?
It just. It makes me uncomfortable.
Zionism is just a 19th century philosophy
because the dream has been fulfilled.
So the persistent harm than good
because it actually opens the door for debating our very existence.
Meanwhile, no other country on earth faces this kind of scrutiny
regarding its right to exist.
This is the kind Of brain rot
I was expecting from an account named Judea in CEO.
She’s trying to say that
because Zionists have already accomplished the state of Israel,
even calling attention to the word Zionism is debating,
you know, the very existence of Israel,
the very question of Israel.
So I’m not gonna be a science anymore,
but I’m also going to be a, uh,
defender of Israel and a promoter of Israel.
She’s obviously speaking out of both sides of her mouth.
How can you say you’re not a Zionist,
but you’re pro Israel? It’s like,
I am not a Nazi. I’m just a white supremacist who hates Jews.
Typical Liberal logic, right?
You have to suspend reality in order to square that circle.
She’s like, we’ve already.
We’ve reestablished the state of Israel,
so we win. Look at her.
Look at her caption. The indigenous dream has been fulfilled.
Let’s move forward. I love how it’s called it.
You know, these.
These copes, right?
These mental gymnastics that you have to pull
to justify the state of Israel as an indigenous dream.
That’s funny,
because not even the people that started the state of Israel
considered it indigenous. It was all acknowledged.
I always go back to
this is always acknowledged as a colonization project.
That’s why it was the Jewish Colonization Association,
which was very pivotal in securing the, uh,
settlements for the Zionists.
Early on, they called it the Jewish Colonization Association.
They didn’t call it the Jewish Liberation Liberation Association.
They called it the Jewish Colonization Association.
So she’s like, let’s retire this whole Zionist thing,
even though Zionism is literally founded on the idea
that Jewish people should have a national home in Palestine
called Israel. She’s saying,
let’s retire this whole Zionist rhetoric and Zionism in of itself,
and let’s just be Israelis, okay?
Because our indigenous dream has been fulfilled,
so we can move forward, okay?
We don’t need Zionism anymore.
Maybe indigenous means something else in the new revised maybe.
Maybe it means something else.
But, you know,
that’s good old Israeli logic, right?
They just change the meaning of words,
so that’s cute. Okay.