Efficient Morning Routine: Getting Dressed in Five Minutes

Alright, let’s go.
I’m gonna put you in the timer.
You got two minutes. Now,
that shirt should be on, and you don’t have to be anxious to put it on.
There you go. Good job.
Just move. We don’t know how
time to be standing still when we’re trying to get ready.
Let’s go. Come on.
Get that shirt tucked in.
Calm down. Your pants have to be buttoned first.
Drop the belt. Drop the belt.
Now button your pants first.
There you go. Not there you go.
Now get that belt on. We don’t multitask.
One thing at a time. Good.
Put your socks on. Where are you going?
Your shoes. In there.
You need your shoes. Now put your socks on.
One thing at a time. There you go.
You have four minutes. Now close your closet.
That way won’t be left open.
You almost done in the morning?
Getting fully dressed in five minutes.
So what I do for him every morning,
I, um,
make sure he has a healthy breakfast.
You do it tomorrow?
Yeah. All right, good.