Easy Tips for Unsticking Bakery-Style Muffins from Your Pan

Most likely, when you make bakery style muffins at home,
your muffin tops are gonna get stuck to your pan.
And that’s totally normal.
The reason why they get stuck
is because the muffin batter uses the edges of the pan
as part of their structure
when they’re getting that dome.
So it’s very normal
that your muffin tops are going to be stuck to your pan.
But I’m gonna show you how to get them unstuck.
Before you use this tip,
you wanna let your muffins cool for about 10 minutes in the pan.
You don’t wanna do this right away when they’re hot,
but you also don’t wanna do this after 30 minutes
because it’s gonna be more difficult to get them out.
You’re gonna grab a butter knife
and use this to help gently release the edges.
So I’m using the curved sides gonna be facing the muffin,
and I’m gonna gently press it in.
My thumb was on the outside
and really gently, cause you don’t wanna slice through your muffin tops.
And I’m gonna just gently go all the way around
until it feels like it’s released.
And if. If you have fruit in your muffins,
usually that’s the part where, like,
the blueberries get really stuck to the pan.
So make sure you get those spaces really good.
You can give it a test. Okay,
it feels a little bit more stuck on one side over here.
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.
There you have it.
How to get your bakery style muffins unstuck from the pan.