Tragic News and Unimaginable Grief: Part 2 of Three Life-Changing Events

Part 2 of my three life changing events
that happened all in a short space of time.
Um, I’ve done part 1 on my breast cancer,
eastern based breast cancer.
This is part 2 on receiving the most shocking news I never
ever want to receive again in my life.
Um, it was just.
I was on my six week recovery
with preparing for chemo to start on November the fifth
and just a normal end of October autumn morning
and my friend rang me and she said,
have you gone to work yet?
I said, no,
she said, please don’t.
She said, can you stay at home?
I’m coming to see you. And at that point my legs went to jelly.
Now, prior to this,
on the Friday night,
my friends were all going away to Alton Towers for the weekend
and the daughter, who’s 12,
had come to see me and said,
I just want to tell you quickly,
I’ve just signed up to run the race for life next July
to raise money for you for breast cancer.
And I said, oh bless you,
that is so sweet of you. Um,
she got a key for her house and off she went
and they all went away for the weekend.
Um, and it was on the way back,
I think it’s the Monday night,
they got hit by joyriders.
My friend arrived and obviously I had no idea what had gone on,
no idea at all. So She sat me down on the sofa and just said to me,
there’s been an awful accident.
I always remember she told me so slowly and so calmly.
I will forever thank her for that.
I was told the news that, um,
a car with the group of teenage boys in
had crashed head on into my friend’s family
on their way back from the weekend away.
The two boys in the front of the car were killed outright.
I think they were 16 and 17.
I’m not hundred percent sure.
and my friend’s daughter, aged 12,
was also killed. And she was the most beautiful, kind.
She was perfect child. Perfect child.
She was just lovely.
And I just don’t know what happened for a few minutes after that.
I literally don’t know what happened.
It was just horrific. I’m not gonna go into details about the accident.
I don’t need to. The reason I’m doing this video is
if anyone out there
has ever had to cope with grief and shock at the same time,
they will know exactly where I’m coming from now.
I have not taken anything away from my friends
who are parents to this child.
I knew how I felt and I cannot even comprehend how they felt,
how they feeling even now to this day.
So I’m not trying to take anything away from that at all.
What I’m trying to do is say
if somebody’s elderly or they’re ill,
your brain Has time to prepare for what eventually is gonna happen.
But when somebody is taken away from you, tragically,
shockingly, so quickly,
you cannot comprehend it. I just couldn’t function.
I just couldn’t function. And then having to tell other family members,
tell my husband, tell my kids.
I’m still not over it. Still not over it.
So everyone around us, our lives had been, um.
Oh, God,
it’s so hard to even put it into words.
In it. Lives have been changed again.
My children had to receive horrific news again.
They’re already worried about mom,
who’s having, uh,
chemotherapy, and she’s gonna lose her hair and radiotherapy.
A 7 of five.
I just. The friends just been killed in a car accident.
They’re starting to wonder what the hell is going on in the world.
And so was I, to be quite honest.
And then bombshell No. 3 dropped.
I’ll do that in a part three.