Title: Navigating the Struggles of Work-Life Balance with Supportive Partners

And now Richie,
who had previously only done a passive sabotage like hiding my laptop,
now he decides that he’s gonna speak up.
And he’s like, babe,
you’re doing too much. You can’t manage all of this.
Like you’re not present with the children.
You’re on your phone all the time.
You’re working too much.
And I don’t remember what exactly I said to him in that moment,
but I do remember what I thought
in my mind. I was like,
you don’t know what it’s like.
You’re not an entrepreneur.
You don’t have thousands of people counting on you.
You don’t have sponsors who have paid for your content
months in advance. You just don’t get it.
Let me tell you something, Richie’s a surgeon.
His job is literally life and death.
And I’m here thinking
he doesn’t understand the high pressure on the high six,
but he does. And so after I calm down a little bit,
took some time to breathe and think to myself,
okay, listen,
you can hardly accuse this man of not being supportive.
Cause this is the man who is up with you at midnight
setting up cameras and lights in the living room
when the babies are sleeping.
This is the man who bought your first camera
and who has invested time and money in your business
and who to this day still watches every single one of my videos.
So he’s supportive and I need to listen.