Always Check Before You Go: Important Lessons for New Drivers

always check before you go
you just don’t wanna uh oh
rock and roll why would you do that
go ahead go ahead
alright new drivers
this is why it is important that you always check in both direction
because you never know what’s gonna happen out there behind
the bicycle has just came out of nowhere and I had to go ahead
hit down on the brake make sure we didn’t hit them off today anyways
when you’re making those rights
you gotta make sure that you check it for people crossing bikes
and then you gotta also check the opposite direction
to make sure nobody’s running their light
let’s take a look at his lesson
now you make this making sure we get in our correct lane
make sure you always check before you go
you just you don’t wanna uh
Rocket Room why would you do that
go ahead go ahead
whoa whoa whoa
Jeez Louise that was something
we’re gonna Lane change to the left
yep when it’s safe