Ranting and Rambling: A Conversation Full of Frustration and Misunderstandings

Man, fuck this guy.
I’ve got 24 hours security now. Fuck!
I do have to, I swear.
Fuck security. Fuck security.
Fuck security. Fuck security.
Fuck security. Fuck security.
Fuck security. Fuck security.
Fuck security. Fuck security.
Fuck security. Fuck security.
Fuck security. Fuck security.
Fuck security. Fuck security.
Okay, I think you’re totally an icon.
I like it, though.
She’s got. I see the resemblance, but I think
the resemblance. The resemblance.
Are you, like,
shortened it?
I got the resemblance. I see the resemblance.
Yeah, the resemblance.
Oh, my god.
Sorry I’m not perfect.
Now we’re getting really down to it.
What did they say? Separating the chaff from the chuff.
What’s that? The wheat from the chaff. Right?
Yep. He’s Epstein.
He gets his own thing. He’s like. Yeah,
he’s kind of on his own tier.
He’s got his own thing. I.
He ruined salt, you know?
There’s Epstein salt? I don’t buy that anymore.
At a what? I didn’t know that.
are you kidding me? I stopped using salt.
Isn’t it Epsom salt? Oh, Epsom. Right.
Okay, good.
The boy cuts off. Are you kidding me?
Go ahead, Dan
DD Mega doo doo mama.
And now he’s. He brought on the wrath of Ye and all of his insane.
Stan, I gotta stop you.
It’s. This is.
You keep saying it cause now it’s.
His name is not Yee. No one calls him Yee.
It’s. It’s Yay.
If you’re gonna do, like,
the short version, Bands are secret.
I’m not a fan. I’m not a mega fan.
I’m not a mega fan at all.
I’m the opposite. It’s Yee.
It’s Y e. But,
you know, I’m saying
I gotta let Kanye West. Yeah,
This guy, David Guetta or whatever,
he was making a tribute to David Guetta. Guetta.
David Guetta. Cheese.
Gueta. Gueta.
I love it. We probably get more views than Ryan. Kelly.
Ryan and Kelly.
Kelly, Ryan and Kellen.
You should have as Rite Aid Friday Mercury,
and you should. Rite Aid.
What is Rite Aid? Rite Aid.
I was like, he works for Rite Aid?
Rite Aid! Rite Aid!
Rite Aid! I was like, whoa,
he works for Rite Aid? I’m a Terminator.
Oh, no. My name is Logan Berbert.
The name. The name is.
The name is Logan Berbert.
What are you calling her? Logan name.
Including writers from the boys, Invincible,
Rick and Morty,
Aqua Fika. Aqua Fika,
Dan Cheeto, Chance Crofina.
I was like, are you trying to say Aquafina?
Not to be a dick, but she has the same name as that water.
No, you’re not.
Yeah, I am.
Who are you boxing? A very big dude.
This guy. Hodor. Huh?
Yeah, Hodor.
I swear. That’s his name.
That’s his name. Is it Honda?
Honda. Honda.
What did I do? I said eight,
and it was five years. Who cares?
I’ve done way worse.
Try living with me.
Sometimes I say shit,
and Ella doesn’t even know what I’m saying she’ll have to look at me,
like, sometimes.
Yeah, sometimes.
I totally understand it, even when you whisper,
but sometimes it’s like, hold on. What