Gourmet Cottage Cheese Bowl: Quick & Easy Dinner Recipe

Hi guys, I am making me a cottage cheese bowl. So I am hungry, so I’m gonna do this pretty fast. I am very hungry. Again, I waited too late to make certain e. So I mean, I cooked, cook some of it. Just wait so late arranging it, I guess. But anyway, my love curry cheese. I’m not gonna measure it. I’m just gonna put it in my bowl cuz I’m at the bottom of this cottage cheese almost gone. Well, just gone, not almost say empty. Okay, so I get my meat, I got a cup and always have some in the fridge cook and I got my cheese. I’m gonna put some cheese in here.

Okay, then I’m gonna heat it up for just a minute. And microwave.

Not long. Yeah, but 30 seconds I heat it up or less.

I think that good enough. Cuz I don’t wanna have. Then I start stir it all up. That looks yummy. Seems like I’m missing some. I don’t know. So I’m gonna put me some banana peppers in here. Just a few. Then I’m gonna put missing some of this prohibited that in air. It’s gonna shake just a little bit. I love this stuff. Put that in there yesterday. I’m doing this quick. And this is my banana peppers. Then I have some lettuce and tomatoes cut up. Put that on top. That’s my dinner for tonight. Sasa, want to look good now? Look there. I think I’m gonna put just a little sasa on here.

Okay, we’re gonna put some gourmet salsa on here. Just a little bit. If I can open it, put just a little tiny bit, make it juicy and that is it. That is my dinner fortune. I nice, quick and easy. How does cheese bowl and I am done. Yao, I’m gonna sit down and I am going to enjoy this. Yeah, good dad. Look, who would have thought Glenn would believe in cottage cheese? But this is my bowl and I’m gonna enjoy this. Yeah, have a good Wednesday night and I will see you tomorrow. Thank you. Bye bye.